Bulletin 00A01A24-02EN

ManualSemi-automatedAutomatedSpreadsheets to PAM and CMMS, Smart Instruments, Industrial IoT (IIoT)Unconnected instruments to increasingly connected for control purposesTECH ENABLERS Manual and reactive maintenance, with a risk-minimization targeted outcome.Legacy assetsPaper-based maintenance workflows. Equipment is not connected, and no information is exchanged.Asset management depends on human initiative and skill set; heavy reliance on manual inspection.Reactive and scheduled maintenance targeted towards stable and repeat-able operations.Mixture of minimally instrumented legacy and current assets with no digital communications.Isolated on-premise information. IT/OT integration is limited and initiatives are mostly siloed.Workers function in an environment where there is no knowledge capture or transfer. Some critical diagnostics are automated.Scheduled and conditioned-based maintenance achieves stable and repeatable operations.Conventional technologies automate an increasing number of tasks that are centrally monitored and controlled on site.On-premise integrated maintenance data with some IT/OT convergence. Digitalization is siloed, with limited integration between domains.Workers function in an environment where there is active knowledge transfer. Some maintenance tasks still require manual checks. Experienced maintenance personnel are key to ensuring up-time.StatePeoplePeoplePeopleTechnologyState of dataState of dataState of dataTechnologyTechnologyStateStateIndustrial AutomationIA2IA Use Case – Asset Management –715 A Digital Transformation Leaders' Guide to Industrial Autonomy

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