Efficient and Sustainable Forest Management with Drones

Efficiently Manage Large Areas of Forests

Promote sustainable forest management by efficiently monitoring forest health with drones for early abnormality detection

Efficiently manage large areas of forests

・Efficiently monitor large areas of forests with drones, enabling rapid detection of abnormalities.

・Supports sustainable forest management and environmental conservation activities.




Wide-Area Management and Health Maintenance


Difficulty in Wide-Area Monitoring

Difficulty in wide-area monitoring

Manual monitoring of large forest areas is inefficient.

Need for Early Disease Detection

Need for early disease detection

Quickly understand the health of the forest.

Establishing Sustainable Management

Establishing sustainable management

Need for environmentally conscious management.



Efficient Forest Monitoring with Drones


Wide-Area Monitoring with Drones

Wide-area monitoring with drones

Monitor the entire forest efficiently with drones.

Early Anomaly Detection

Early anomaly detection

AI analyzes to quickly identify diseases and abnormalities.



Achieve Sustainable Forest Management


Efficient Forest Monitoring

Efficient forest monitoring

Quickly monitor large areas.

Health Assessment

Health assessment

Detect and address forest abnormalities early.

Enhance Conservation Activities

Enhance conservation activities

Support sustainable management.

További információkat szeretne a munkatársainkról, technológiánkról és megoldásainkról?

