- 5.7英寸,高精度,廣角彩色TFT LCD
- 多種顯示類型,如趨勢,數字,條形圖,摘要,警報和歷史趨勢
- 可透過網際網路遠端查看FX1000螢幕
- 多功能面板按鍵
- 批次開始/停止記錄,並建立數據資料
- 輸入: DCV, TC, RTD, DI
- 掃描間隔l: 1 s, 125 ms (fast sampling)
- 點數: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
- 測量精度:讀數的±0.05%(DCV),讀數的±0.15%(TC,RTD)
- 大容量(400 MB)內部儲存
- SD卡或CF卡,最大32 GB
- USB介面(選配)
- 二進位資料儲存
- 網路連結可實現資料冗餘
- 功率測量記錄(選配)
- 真空壓力記錄(對數刻度,選配)
- 總流量(選配)
- F值計算(選配)
- 節省空間的設計
- 防水防塵(符合IP65標準)
【Support Information】List of Verified SD Memory Cards (SD Cards)
The SD cards of the following manufacturers have been verified for use with SMARTDAC+ GX/GP/GM, μR10000/μR20000 and FX1000. However, please note that Yokogawa does not guarantee normal operation of the SD card when using with products listed below.
【Support Information】List of Verified USB Barcode Reader
The USB barcode reader of the following manufacturers have been verified for use with the SMARTDAC+ GX/GP series, DXAdvanced series. However, please note that Yokogawa does not guarantee normal operation of the USB barcode reader when using with products listed below.
【Support Information】List of Verified Compact Flash Cards (CF Cards)
The CF cards of the following manufacturers have been verified for use with the Daqstation series and the FX1000. However, please note that Yokogawa does not guarantee normal operation of the CF card when using with products listed below.
【Support Information】List of RoHS
This is a list of recorder and controller products that support the RoHS (2011/65/EU) directive.
【Support Information】New Legislative Framework (NLF) Conforming Products
This is a list of recorder and controller products that support the New Legislative Framework (NLF.)
【Support Information】Display Language Support List for Recorders
List of languages that can be set for each model.
- Paperless Recorder FX1000 (8.9 MB)
- FW1000 Regarding the Downloading and Installing for the Software (FXA120 DAQSTANDARD) and Manuals (416 KB)
- FX1000 Safety Precautions and Installation Guide (1.5 MB)
- FXA120 DAQSTANDARD for FX1000 Data Viewer User's Manual (1.7 MB)
- FXA120 DAQSTANDARD for FX1000 Hardware Configurator User's Manual (2.9 MB)
- FX1000 Communication Interface (/C2, /C3, /C7) User's Manual (3.5 MB)
- FX1000 First Step Guide (2.4 MB)
- FX1000 User's Manual (5.3 MB)
- FW1000 User's Manual Safety Precautions and Installation Guide (853 KB)
- How to Use the CD Installing FXA120 DAQSTANDARD and Opening FX1000 Manuals (482 KB)
- New Legislative Framework (NLF) Conforming Products (362 KB)
- List of RoHS (2011/65/EU) Directive Compliant Products (6-substances RoHS compliant products) (356 KB)
- List of the US Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Compliant Recorder and Controller Products (175 KB)
- Paperless Recorder FX1000 (1.6 MB)
- X010 External Precision Resistor (349 KB)
- Paperless Recorder FX1000, 2D DWG (1.6 MB)
- Paperless Recorder FX1000 (552 KB)
- Paperless Recorder FX1000, 2D DXF (2.2 MB)