Lösungen, die die Optimierung sämtlicher Stufen der Lieferkette, von der Rohstoffversorgung bis zur Produktauslieferung, unterstützen und sicherstellen, dass der Geschäftsbetrieb schnell und effizient auf Marktveränderungen und Schwankungen der Nachfrage reagieren kann.
Off-Site- und Terminalmanagement
Ein Terminal oder eine Tankfarm ist ein Lagerbereich, in dem Öl, Gas oder chemische Produkte durch Überland-Pipelines, Tankwagen bzw. Schiffe angenommen und anschließend in einem Tanklager gelagert werden.
Terminal Logistics Suite VP (Terminal Automation)
TLS-VP handles the business and operational demands of the terminal, through the management and control of tank truck and berth loading, tank inventory and transfers, and terminal-related master data.
Movement Monitoring (VisaOM)
A core element of the model-based mPower application suite, VisaOM (Movement Monitoring) is designed to track raw materials, feed-stocks and products through an entire plant for continuous and batch-based processes.
Visual MESA Supply Chain Scheduling
Visual MESA Supply Chain Scheduling uses an integrated topological model to enable plant operators to schedule and simulate operations, while considering effects between interdependent activities and factors.
Visual MESA Production Accounting
Visual MESA Production Accounting software provides a complete state-of-the art BEST-IN-CLASS solution for production/yield accounting and data reconciliation for the hydrocarbon and chemical process industry. It can model both the process side as well as the utility side.
Supply Chain Planning (PETRO)
PETRO guides users in choosing the most optimal bids for feedstock, most effective operational processes and most economic portfolio of products to buy, sell or produce, using distributed recursive linear programming.
Cloudbasierte Bestandsmanagementlösungen (Web*VMI™)
Optimieren Sie die Lieferkette durch Visualisierung der Bestände und Zusammenarbeit
Nippon Sanso Vietnam JSC (NSVN) equipped a digitalized supply-chain management system to optimize efficiency of industrial gases delivery.
The ODMS (Order delivery management system) was rapidly developed using the DevOps agile approach in collaboration with NSVN and Yokogawa.
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