LABORATORY | Innovation Center

Last Updated:September 9th, 2022

Innovation (Research & Development)

Yokogawa's R&D includes product development and advanced development activities that resolve issues quickly in each industry segment based on customer trends and an awareness of the current situation. It also includes innovation activities whose goal is to quickly provide new value while looking ahead to the future through co-creation with customers and partners. The business headquarters is mainly responsible for the former, while the latter is primarily the task of the Innovation Center.

The mission of the Innovation Center is twofold

  1. Contribute to customers' value creation(Co-creation) through the interconnection of internal and external organizations, including customers' organizations.
  2. Devise innovative scenarious and incorporate them in research and development activities to nurture future business.




Innovation Activities


Through its innovation activities, Yokogawa is creating sustainable value for customers based on a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of customers issues. The innovation creation process consists of the three stages shown on the left. In the ideation and value creation stage, future scenarios are developed from the challenges faced by customers, customer trends, and chages in the business environment. These scenarios are then incorporated into R&D themes.

In the R&D and incubation stage, we will leverage open innovation, intellectual property, and technology marketing to build concrete services and product images, and verify the value and feasibility of research themes. We will also apply DX technology to create new value.

In the prototyping stage, we listen to customers, returning to them many times throughout the proof of concept(PoC)process to quickly and efficiently improve the completeness of the solution and create new value. These three stages of our innovation activities enable us to identify and resolve customer issues.


Yokogawa's R&D Strategy

The basic concept of Yokogawa's R&D activities is to develop and provide more effective means of providing value to customers in the next 10 years, based on a broad perspective and a deep understanding of customer issues. The Innovation Center conducts R&D activities on three themes.

  • Energy & Sustainability Innovation
  • Material Innovation
  • Life Innovation

RDstrategyEnergy&Sustainability Innovation supports optimal operations throughout the value chain of the process industry to enable diversifying industrial automation to achieve the greater efficiency and autonomy. Life Innovation contributes to the rapid development of the pharmaceuticals that protect people's lives and health and to the quick establishment of multi-product, small-lot production processes. Material Innovation aims to realize a new recycling-oriented society by taking on new challenges in new fields.



Open Innovation


The Open Innovation Team of the R&D Department in the Innovation Center promotes open innovation activities by using technology intelligence, drawing up industry-academia-government collaboration schemes, working with external organizations to implement various projects, and supporting such projects.





Last Updated:September 9th, 2022

Pioneering the future and challenging the world

"We are innovators and challengers!"
Introduction of innovation Center Director and Department Heads



steeringmember kato

Head of Innovation Center
Satoshi Kato

My motto: Positive thinking. I find my job rewarding when: I can see the direction in which to head and can tell a story about it.


steeringmember tanaka

Head of Planning and Administration Department
Yoshiaki Tanaka

Take an interest in what your colleagues are doing and think about what you can do for them. I feel rewarded when I can support them in achieving something.


steeringmember fujita

Head of Project Design Department
Yoshihiro Fujita

My motto: Live in the moment. I find my work rewarding when: I win the trust of customers


steeringmember ito

Head of Life R&D Department
Hidenosuke Itoh

Establish a track record, show a sincere attitude, and you will gain trust from others. This will ensure your projects are successful. True co-innovation starts when values are shared beyond different corporate cultures.


steeringmember tomosada

Head of Sensing R&D Department
Nobuhiro Tomosada

I find my work rewarding when: My team is praised for its achievements and each team member smiles.


steering member ishi

Head of DX Design Department
Yousuke Ishii

My motto: Winning may depend on luck; losing is never due to bad luck. I find my job rewarding when: I share opportunities for growth and career-building with my colleagues.
