【Support Information】List of Verified USB Barcode Reader

List of Verified USB Barcode Reader

The USB barcode reader of the following manufacturers have been verified for use with the SMARTDAC+ GX/GP series, DXAdvanced series. However, please note that Yokogawa does not guarantee normal operation of the USB barcode reader when using with products listed below.

Applicable Models: GX10, GX20, GP10, GP20

DXAdvanced series
Applicable Models: DX1000, DX1000N, DX1000T, DX2000, DX2000T

Manufacturer Product Name
Honeywell Honeywell Voyager 9520 Series of Single-Line Laser Scanners
Honeywell Honeywell Xenon 1900 Area-Imaging Scanner

Please direct inquiries regarding the other manufacturers' verified USB barcode reader above to their manufacturers.
Please note that sales of the above-mentioned USB barcode reader may be discontinued from the manufacturer without prior notice.


*SMARTDAC+ and DXAdvanced are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Yokogawa Electric Corporation.
Other company and/or product names are registered trademark of their manufacturers.

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