OpreX Data Model Broker is a plant data transformation platform that automatically verifies the consistency of data in different plant designs and instrumentation systems and enables their inter-utilization by applying ontology*, an AI technique, in database operation and management.
* Ontology is one of the approaches in AI technology. It is a concept or mechanism for defining the meaning of information and aims to make computers mimic how humans understand the meaning of information.
OpreX Data Model Broker latest release Information of R2.03 (September 2024)
The Design Diagram Converter feature has been expanded. Design Diagram Converter imports a P&ID (Piping and Instrumentation Diagram) created with 2D CAD and automatically generates computer-processable data P&ID and various lists. In addition to the existing instrument list, piping line list and piping material take off (MTO), a nozzle list has been added to the automatically generated list. Also, the analysis results of the design diagrams can be exported as a file in PDF format for use as evidence and reports.
Design Diagram Converter
The Design Diagram Converter is an application that uses OpreX Data Model Broker as a platform to export various lists and P&ID data in the international standard format from existing design diagrams. It allows efficient extraction of necessary data from diagrams and creation of various lists, which used to be done manually.
Development Background
P&IDs play an essential role not only in design and construction, but also in the operation, maintenance, and modification of plants that process oil, chemicals, and other materials. P&IDs are created by process designers for use by the personnel tasked with implementing plant instrumentation, piping, and machinery. However, as these diagrams are intended primarily for ease of viewing, they are not optimized for computer processing, which is necessary for frequent information exchange. In such cases, it is necessary to have a specialist manually extract and process the data from these P&IDs, and this is time-consuming and presents quality issues.
To address these issues, Yokogawa has developed the Design Diagram Converter. With high accuracy, this software can read P&IDs created with 2D CAD software, convert them to P&IDs compliant with the international standard file format, and automatically generate various lists (instrumentation list, line list, piping material take off and nozzle list). By automating a task that previously had to be done manually, the workload is significantly decreased, quality is assured through the reduction of human error, and the promotion of digitalizing plant engineering is achieved.
Key Features
- Automatically generates various lists by analyzing P&ID information
Original various lists such as instrumentation list, line list, piping material take off (MTO), nozzle list can be automatically generated by loading 2D CAD P&ID files into the Design Diagram Converter software. For the analysis of drawings, pattern-matching techniques are used to extract information and the patterns can be tuned using the target drawings. As detection accuracy can be easily adjusted, this makes it easier to start related tasks. Compared to the process in which information is manually extracted from diagrams and lists are created manually, this program is able to reduce total effort by approximately 60%. - Automatically generates XML documents that are compliant with international P&ID standards
With the Design Diagram Converter, information that is read can be export in the XML document format, which complies with the ISO15926 international standard. The XML documents can be used on other systems and in applications that support the same format, making it easy to use design information from an existing plant asset.
User interface
The top screen of the Design Diagram Converter project is shown in the figure below.
- Main view (Center of the screen)
Displays the currently selected design diagram in thumbnail view. Overlay the analysis results on the design diagram by changing the display options on the screen. - Pattern view (Left of the screen)
Lists the patterns created in a tree format. Patterns can be grouped by creating folders. - Primitive view (Right of the screen)
Displays the lines, circles, text and other parts (*1) that make up the selected shape in the design diagram currently displayed in the main view. Their lengths, line thickness, etc. can be confirmed.
*1: These parts are called “Primitives” in this document. Thumbnail view (Bottom of the screen) Lists the design diagram already imported into the application. The currently selected drawing is displayed in the main view.
Pattern Editing function
Creates a pattern using the shape currently displayed in the main view. Define the conditions for the shapes to be detected and the parts that make up the shapes, as well as the settings for the connection relationships with other detected shapes, etc. to the createdpattern.
Example screen
Analysis result display function
The results of analysis of design with pattediagram rns can be displayed in the main view. The major analysis result displays are as follows
- Show shapes
The detected shapes are highlighted according to the color set in the pattern. - Show connection relationships
The connection relationships of the detected shapes are displayed.
File export function
- Pattern matching list
Lists the shapes recognized by the created pattern. Export the pattern name corresponding to the detected shapes, the position of the shapes, and the detected text (attributes) to a CSV file. - Various Lists such as instrumentation list, line list, piping material take off (MTO), nozzle list.
The application extracts figures, accompanying text, and connections between shapes in design diagram, and exports the draft of the various list to a file in CSV format. The following data can be exported to the instrumentation list, and the items to be exported to the CSV file can be customized.
Example of instrumentation list
Item | Explanation |
Tag name | Outputs the tag name based on the text inside the Instrumentation Symbol. |
Sheet number | Outputs the drawing number on the design drawing |
Position | Outputs the coordinate positions of the detected instrumentation symbols on the design drawing. |
Inst Symbol | Outputs information that can be determined from the shape of instrumentation symbol. |
Inst Type | Outputs instrument type that can be determined from the shape of the instrument. |
Line ID | Outputs the piping number associated with the instrument. |
Ancillary data | Information that can be determined/extracted from the shape of the primitive or text information near it is output as ancillary data. |
- Proteus Shema 4.1 compliant with ISO15926
Converts the shapes detected in the design diagram according to the contents of the pattern definition and exports them to a file in XML format compliant with ISO 15926. The exported XML file can be imported into other systems that support ISO 15926.
Report function
- Exports the analysis results of the design diagrams to a PDF file.
- Exports the contents of each pattern definition to a file in Microsoft Excel format.
- Exports problematic analysis results to a Microsoft Word file from the perspective of ISO15926-compliant Proteus Shema 4.1.
System Distribution
Provide it as a desktop application.
Design Data Validation
Design Data Validation automatically detects inconsistencies between the P&ID and the 3D piping diagram, which are difficult to systematize and have problems in checking, thereby significantly reducing the amount of time and man-hours required to check the consistency between large numbers of Design data, and contributing to improvement in work efficiency.
Development Background
In recent years, the size of the plant has been increasing, and the equipment installed has become more sophisticated. During the construction and extension of the plant, each department in charge builds a design data using various tools. The same is also true for the systems. There are not only design documents and specifications, but also books from equipment and equipment vendors, and there is an Engineering data for each system group. The consistency check between these data is often done manually, and a huge amount of work time and man-hours are spent. For example, in most cases, there are thousands of 3D piping drawings, but in some large projects there are more than 10,000, and all of these are manually checked. There is a strong need for digital technologies to enhance data interoperability and ensure reliability.
Design Data Validation provides the following benefits by automating the validation between P&ID and 3D piping drawing, which had problems in data consistency check work.
- Reduce enormous work time and man-hours required for data consistency check
- Improve work efficiency by eliminating human error
- Reduce risk of erroneous order of piping materials
Key Features
Comparison and verification function
The following types of consistency are automatically validated by using P&ID and 3D piping isometric drawing file.
Validation type | Function summary |
Piping attributes |
Validate the match / mismatch between each piping attributes on P&ID and isometric drawing. |
Piping specification of flange |
If a change of piping specification is specified at the valve end, validate the match / mismatch of piping specifications of the corresponding valve and the accompanying flange in the isometric drawing. |
Attributes and order of each piping component |
Validate the match / mismatch of attribute values for each piping component. In addition, validate the match / mismatch of the order of piping component. |
Installation direction of piping component |
Validate whether the flow direction of each piping component on the isometric drawing matches the process flow direction on P&ID. |
Example screen
Validation results can be checked with main four types of views. Multiple views can be displayed together and jumped between views, the validation results can be checked efficiently.
- Comparison view of validation results
- P&ID highlighted by validation results
- 3D piping model highlighted by validation results
- Isometric drawing highlighted by validation results
Export validation result
- It is provided as SaaS using the cloud environment. It can be accessed from anywhere thus the consistency check is possible at any time. The validation results can be displayed offline by using dedicated desktop viewer.
- P& ID and isometric draw ing w ith highlighted inconsistencies can be exported with PDF format.
System Distribution
It is provided as SaaS using the cloud environment. It can be accessed from anywhere thus the consistency check is possible at any time. The validation results can be displayed offline by using dedicated desktop viewer.
OpreX Design Diagram Converter is an application which reads a P&ID drawn with 2D CAD and converts it into computer-understandable data format. For instance, it can generate instrumentation list, piping line list, and material takeoff automatically.
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