Permit to Work

Digital Permit to Work is your front-line method of keeping people safe in work environments. It represents a formal communication system for risk identification, management & control, and communication. Permit to Work (PTW) systems are used in hazardous industries to request, review, authorise, document and most importantly, deconflict tasks to be carried out by front line workers.

PTW is a core element in integrating safe systems of work, including Risk Assessment and Isolation Planning. Integrated safety systems of work (ISSOW) enable As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) reduction of unsafe activities in non-trivial work environments.

As well as a system that ticks all the boxes, the most effective Permit to Work system needs to engage the workforce and focus on the crucial issues that keep people safe. That Yokogawa RAP system engages your workforce and drives safety improvement and culture within your organisation.

Permit to Work Challenges

Traditional Paper-Based Permit-To-Work Systems present many challenges for organisations, leading to unsafe and inefficient management of safety. SomePermit_to_Work of the challenges faced by organisations that use paper-based PTW systems are as follows:

  • Geographically distributed: Hard for all teams to be aware of pending and current permits
  • Ability to reference other permits: Ensuring all staff are aware of related work that may impact team safety
  • Auditability: OHS staff must manually review all paper-based documentation
  • Assurance of permit consistency: Automatic field validation
  • Permit and tag writing effort: Manually completing multiple copies of documentation for respective teams

RAP Solutions

RAP PtW has been recognised as a leader in digital Permit to Work software. Our solution is a comprehensive and easy to use elElectronic_PtWectronic Risk Assessment and Permit to Work system. Its unique icon-based design ensures that all rules and controls are easily applied. Its wide range of configurations will adapt to any workflow – providing safe and cost-efficient Control of Work.

The system is built around a large configurable Risk Assessment knowledge base, incorporating years of firsthand job knowledge. This information is broken down into categories represented by icons, allowing for quick and straightforward navigation.

permits are built around this core, categorised by site area, and tracked from the initial definition stage to permit issue and completion.

All actions taken by users within the system are carefully monitored and controlled.

  • Unique Icon system enables easy hazard recognition and control selection. The definition and selection process for all types of work avoids any potential uncertainties and ensures compliance
  • Centralised Permit Board / Map showing presence and status of jobs
  • Competency is driven, with checkpoints throughout RAP
  • Integration with other modules, including Barcoding, Isolation, Audit and Reporting and also integration with SAP/MMS
  • Language - all screens are instantly translatable with a click of a button
  • RAP allows for a full overview of your site, showing all jobs and tasks in progress and all scheduled work
  • A Mobile Application optimised for small screen use
    • Location-based signatures and measurements make permit issue procedures quicker and easier
    • Barcode / RFID scanner integration
    • Fully compliant with ATEX supported devices currently on the market

Digital Permit to Work Benefits

Organisations that adopt digital permit to work systems see the following efficiencies and benefits:Digital_PtW

  • Reduced manual entry leads to reduced application time
  • Automated cross-checking and form completion leads to more time-on-the-job
  • Electric distribution and reduced manual entry lead to a faster approval process
  • The ability to check permits issued in the same production area leads to the identification of work conflicts
  • Added logbooks. shift handover reports, and emailing to staff are all a result of automated distribution to all relevant staff
  • Cost benefits due to the reduction in manual processes and review and approval cycles
  • Efficient and quick access to information for auditing purposes

RAP Modules

Yokogawa’s RAP system delivers a comprehensive Control of Work solution with additional functional modules to address all safety management needs within your organisation.


Risk Assessment in RAP enables the user to identify all hazards present in the workplace and put in place the necessary controls to mitigate the risk

  • Knowledge-based Risk Assessment
  • Risk Assessment for each work activity step


RAP’s Isolation Module lets users ensure that all energies associated with the equipment to be worked on have been completely removed. The system is comprehensive yet simple to use, accommodating all energy sources and equipment.


Interlocks and Overrides, Critical Equipment and Barrier Management

RAP’s SORM - Safety Override Risk Management solution offers visibility of current, future and historical permitting workload and highlights “overload risk” and provides additional dashboarding and reporting functionality specific to these in order to ensure operational risk management for process safety.


In this digital age, companies face increasing complexities and levels of change in which existing paper-based or legacy systems are proving to be cumbersome and time-consuming.

This is where RAP’s Electronic Management of Change (eMoC) module can significantly help guide and streamline the process whilst recording every aspect of the change along the way.


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