Webinar: Enhancing field asset performance using PRM

Dates: Nov 4, 2020
Location: WebEx Online | 11:00 AM
Website: https://yokogawa.webex.com/yokogawa/onstage/g.php?MTID=ecbd25bb98e5c0d1dfc9b41e2050f4a27

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In this webinar, we will be focusing on enhancing your field asset performance with Yokogawa PRM
(Plant Resource Manager) and after the webinar you will be a better understanding on the
following aspects
•    The most advanced, comprehensive solution for PAM (Plant Asset Management).
•    Maximizing plant productivity.
•    Increasing availability and performance of field assets.
•    Advanced analytics for control valve diagnostics.
•    Predictive analytics and early detection of field asset failures.
•    Centralized monitoring and diagnosis of automation equipment.
