Webinar: Business Values Brought by Yokogawa’s Plant AI

Dates: Aug 18, 2020

Topic: Business Values Brought by Yokogawa’s Plant AI

Ken Kobuchi, Senior Manager, Yokogawa Japan
Hitoshi Hattori, Manager, Yokogawa Japan

Schedule: 18 August 2020 (Tuesday), 3pm - 4pm

About: What value does AI bring? You hear about AI all the time, but only a few companies can clearly explain the value what AI has to offer for industrial use. We’ve been working on solving a variety of customer issues by using Yokogawa’s proprietary AI technologies, and then we can clearly explain that there are three ways that AI can offer value in plants. In this seminar you will learn:

 – Why we can use current AI technology;

 – What three values brought by AI in plants are; and

 – Yokogawa’s AI product solutions which
    provides you small-start AI approach.
