How can I display the settings of DX100P/DX200P, DX1000/DX2000 (/AS1 model) files opened in the SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Universal Viewer?

Install DAQSTANDARD (model DXA120, 1 license comes standard with the DX1000/DX2000) in the same folder as the SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Universal Viewer. When you install DAQSTANDARD, select “Custom” for the Setup type, and change the installation destination folder to the SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Universal Viewer folder.

The default installation folder for the SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Universal Viewer is the following:
[System Drive]:\Program Files\Yokogawa Electric Corporation\SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Universal Viewer\

However, if installing the 32-bit version on a 64-bit system, it is the following:
[System Drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Yokogawa Electric Corporation\SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Universal Viewer\

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