Yokogawa’s Smart Terminal Automation Solution at Sunrise Energy LPG Terminal

Yokogawa South Africa was appointed to design, supply and commission the Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS) as well as the overall Terminal Management System at Sunrise Energy’s liquid petroleum gas (LPG) Import Terminal, the largest on- and offshore open-access LPG import terminal facility in Africa. Yokogawa’s Terminal Management System, Terminal Logistic Suite VP (TLSVP), was designed and developed to meet the exacting operational demands and logistic needs in terminals. Yokogawa’s experienced engineering resources ensured the project was successfully delivered, enabling Sunrise Energy to provide accurate mass balances and efficient terminal operations to its customers.


  • Chaîne D'approvisionnement

    YOKOGAWA s'est engagé dans l'automatisation du GNL en fournissant les derniers capteurs, analyseurs, systèmes de contrôle et d'information depuis plus de 50 ans, depuis que le GNL a été importé pour la première fois au Japon. YOKOGAWA est l'un des plus grands fournisseurs d'automatisation de la chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale du GNL, de la liquéfaction, du transport et de la regazéification.

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Les produits et solutions liés


    CENTUM VP has a simple and common architecture consisting of human machine interfaces, field control stations, and a control network.

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  • SIS (Up to SIL 3) ProSafe-RS

    The ProSafe-RS is a Safety Instrumented System that is certified by the German certification organization (TÜV) to meet Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 specified in IEC 61508. 

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