A process event analysis package that helps plants operate at optimal efficiency
The new Exaplog event analysis package facilitates the quantitative analysis of problems in the DCS event log. By alternating analysis with alarm setting adjustment and operation sequence tuning, you can continuously improve operational efficiency.
With Exaplog, the historical log can be analyzed using "3W" (When, Where, What) filters to identify and eliminate redundant alarms and to improve operation sequences.
Exaplog helps managers, engineers, and operators enhance process efficiency.
Uses DCS historical log of process events and operator actions
- Event Balance Trend "EBT" Graph Window (When?)
Displays a trend graph that shows the balance between process requests (process alarms, operator messages) and operator actions. You can use filters to zoom in on any section of the graph. - Message Summary Window
Displays events (category and details) in order of occurrence. - Category Sort Window (What?)
Events sorted by category (e.g.alarm process status change) are displayed as a pie chart or table. - Point ID Sort Window
Displays events, sorted by frequency, with tag names and station IDs
Service Description | Yokogawa Deliverables |
Alarm & Event Analysis | ✓ Report of current state of Alarm ✓ Statistics of Alarm & Events ✓ Statistics of manual interventions ✓ Top 5 Bad actors for Alarms |
Alarm Philosophy | ✓ Alarm Philosophy document compliant with ISA 18.2 standards |
Fundamental Nuisance Alarm Reduction | ✓ Report of the Nuisance alarms in the plant ✓ Root cause for the Nuisance alarms ✓ Countermeasures to prevent alarming for the Nuisance alarms ✓ Report containing the before and after improvements from this service |
ISA 18.2/EEMUA#191 based Alarm System Design (Consultation & Training) |
✓ Report of the current Alarm state and the gaps in design compared to standards ✓ Support in the design of the new Alarm system as per standards ✓ Training on conducting Documentation & Rationalization exercise |
ISA 18.2/EEMUA#191 based Alarm System Design (Software & Training) |
✓ Installation, commissioning and training of Exaquantum\AMD to establish Alarm Master design database |
Operation State based Alarm Management (Consultation & Training) |
✓ Report of the current state of Alarm set points for various operation conditions in the plant ✓ Design of the new Dynamic Alarm Management |
Operation State based Alarm Management (Software & Training) |
✓ Installation, Commissioning and training of AAASuite/Exapilot for Dynamic Alarm Management |
Alarm Monitoring & Improvisation (Consultation) |
✓ Report of current state of Alarm ✓ Statistics of Alarm & Events ✓ Statistics of Manual Interventions ✓ Areas of improvisation based on current state of Alarms |
Alarm Monitoring & Improvisation (Software & Training) |
✓ Installation, Commissioning and training of Exaquantum\ARA for Alarm monitoring and reporting |
R3.40 Overview of the New Functions(September 2011)
- New software environments added
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP1 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Professional Edition SP1 (64-bit) supports added. - Common IT security tool with CENTUM VP R5.01 added
A user can select suitable security level from standard or legacy model. These IT security levels are common throughout Yokogawa system products, and it enables Exaplog to have the same IT security as the CENTUM VP. (Exaplog R3.40's IT security tool is as the same as CENUM VP R5.01.)
R3.30 (March 2010)
- IT security
Several security models (legacy, standard, and strengthened types) will be available, so that users will be able to select the security level to match their requirements. - Tag comment display function
A tag comment display function is added to the event identifier table on the PLView (event analysis tool) screen. This function increases the efficiency of the alarm analysis work. - Windows Server 2008 SP2, Windows Vista Business Edition SP2
R3.20 (July 2008)
- CENTUM VP for events gathering
As an Exaplog Adapter Type, CENTUM VP is added for events gathering. CENTUM VP Adapter gathers events from HISTHIST file on HIS. - Automatic Deletion of Exaplog Event Files
- Supporting Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition SP1
R3.10 (August 2006)
- Extended Function
Period to display PLView event data, No. of displayed PLView event data, No. of saved event data - Support for Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP1, R2
- Supported other companies' PCSevent data
- Operational Excellence by Asset Maximization, Utilizing Yokogawa's DCS, SIS, Analyzers, and Field Instruments.
- The CENTUM VP PCS and ProSafe-RS SIS were integrated using the same engineering environment.
- Nearly 60 gas chromatographs and a large number of other types of analyzers in several analyzer houses.
Thai Acrylic Fibre Co., Ltd. (TAF) was established in 1987 and is currently a leading acrylic fiber manufacturer in the ASEAN region with 450 employees. It produces a wide range of acrylic fiber productions with varied deniers and the annual production recorded 77,000 megatons in 2004 which is five times the production rate at the time of establishment.
Alarm management is not just a project that has a start and end date; it's a continuous cycle. Once the alarm system has been reviewed and improvements have been identified, we must check that controls are in place to ensure the alarm system remains functional. The key is to ensure that the system is continuously monitored and any changes are fully documented. There are seven key steps for alarm management. Rationalization is one of those critical steps.
Large process industry companies have recently started building plants with world-class safety and profitability to reinforce their competitive edge in the global market. As for plant operations, support functions for improving operators' plant operation skills and for extending operators' maximum capability are required to the DCS so that an operator can expand the area of plant monitoring or operate a plant with higher cost- consciousness.
As plant operation becomes more intelligent and complex, the alarm system for safe and stable operation is becoming increasingly important. An alarm warns operators of an abnormal situation in a process and urges them to respond to it.
In recent years, safety and profitability have become ever more important in the process industry due to fierce global competition. Greater emphasis is being placed on highly efficient plant operation for reducing the increasing energy bill.
In 1999, Yokogawa Electric Corporation formed an alliance with Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (SGSI) in Advanced Process Control (APC), and both companies have since jointly developed products. This alliance successfully combined SGSI's experience gained through more than 800 projects in more than 30 years and Yokogawa's great deal of experience with the process control market, and strengthened the scheme to provide the APC technology.
September 2007
Yokogawa's web-based DCS Anywhere has simplified commissioning at the Nanhai petrochemicals complex. With a total investment of 4.2 billion US dollars, the Nanhai petrochemicals complex at Daya Bay in Huizhou, China, has attracted a lot of attention because of its sheer scale.
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