PRM PLUG-IN Applications Integration

PRM PLUG-IN Applications Integration

PRM has an open integration tool to connect with external application softwares such as valve management softwares and device maintenance softwares. This scheme is called PLUG-IN Application (PIA) interface. It enables these softwares to run on PRM as client softwares and enables them to communicate with related devices through Yokogawa host systems. Yokogawa provides a PIA interfacing development kit for software suppliers with a contract. The suppliers are requested to develop interfacing software and to send it to Yokogawa for integration testing.

Updated: March 20, 2019

  Vendor Software Name Software Version PRM Revision Remarks
1 azbil Valstaff 10.4 R3.05.01
R3.10.00 or later
PRM multi-server set does not support PLUG-IN Valstaff.
2 azbil Valstaff 31.0 R3.20 or later PRM multi-server set does not support PLUG-IN Valstaff.
3 Dresser ValVue 2.20 R2.03 or later  
4 Fisher ValveLink 13.2 R4.02 or later PRM multi-server set is supported.
5 Fisher ValveLink 13.1 R4.01 or later PRM multi-server set is supported.
6 Fisher ValveLink 12.0 R3.11 or later PRM multi-server set is not supported.
7 Fisher ValveLink 11.5 R3.04 or later  
8 Fisher ValveLink 10.2 R3.04 or later  
9 Fisher ValveLink 10.0 R3.02 or later  
10 Fisher ValveLink 8.0 R3.02 or later  
11 Fisher ValveLink 7.3 R3.01 or later  
12 Fisher ValveLink 7.2 R2.10 or later  

 Note:Additional step for existing plug-ins to work with PRM R4. Please refer to before using IM of PRM.

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