SLAS Europe 2023 Conference & Exhibition

Les dates: mai 24 - 25, 2023
Endroit: Brussels, Belgium
Lieu: Brussels Expo - Hall 3, Place de Belgique 1, 1020 Brussels | Stand 526
Site internet:

Do you want to experience best-in-class high-content imaging? Don't miss your chance to get a live demonstration of Yokogawa's CellVoager CQ1 at SLAS Europe! 

Together with our partner InSphero AG we will present CQ1 live demonstrations: 

Wednesday, May 24 at 4 PM - Booth 526
Thursday, May 25 at 1 PM - Booth 526

CellVoyager CQ1 enables 3D imaging and quantification of live cell clusters, such as spheroids within a 3D culture vessel, as they are, keeping the cells intact. CellVoyager CQ1 exports feature data in general formats which are readable by various third-party software for advanced data analysis. It is possible to construct a fully customized CellVoyager CQ1-based system by integrating with external systems, via robot for culture dish handling.

Would you like to have an individual appointment? 

Please write an e-mail to

Working at Yokogawa - Your chance!

At the SLAS Recruiting Power Hour, we will present two new job opportunities at our Life Science department. 

A great opportunity to meet your future colleagues at SLAS EU!

When? Wednesday, May 24, 12:40 -12.50 at SLAS booth

Related Industries

  • Pharma


    Yokogawa permet l'innovation et la numérisation de l'industrie pharmaceutique européenne ; garantissant un approvisionnement stable et fiable en médicaments pour les patients.

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