Fieldbus DD/CF file - YTA710 Temperature Transmitters

Product DD file name
YTA710 Temperature Transmitters  
  • 0204.ff5, 0204.ffo, 0204.sy5, 0204.sym, 020103.cff


* Software Agreement
  • The property rights, proprietary rights, intellectual property rights, and all other rights associated with the software are held by Yokogawa Electric Corporation.
  • Under no circumstances is any dumping, reverse compiling, reverse assembly, reverse engineering, or any other kind of alteration or revision of this software allowed.
  • This software is offered free of charge, but no unlimited warranties are made against any defects whatsoever.
  • Also, Yokogawa may not be able to accept inquiries regarding repair of defects in or questions about this software.
  • The contents of this software are subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuing improvements to the software\'s performance and functions.
  • Yokogawa bears no liability for any problems that may occur during download or installation of this software.
  • Use of the Yokogawa Web site is at the user\'s own risk.
  • Any parties contributing to the creation or distribution of the contents on the Yokogawa Web site shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any damages occurring as a result of the use of said contents.

Downloading of the software indicates acceptance of the software agreement.

Kapcsolódó termékek és megoldások

  • Field Instruments

    A group of products that measure pressure, flow rate, temperature, and level, all of which are essential factors in plant operations. High-performance sensors ensure stable and high-precision performance under any circumstances.

    Továbbiak megtekintése
