Remote monitoring of a bearing durability test

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Realization of remote monitoring with VZ20X and GA10

It is hard to go back and forth between the office floor and the test floor to check the bearing durability status.
That round trip time is wasteful and a heavy burden on man-hours. If you have more than one test floor, that's even more of a burden.
The Multi-Sensing Remote I/O Analog Sensing Unit VZ20X and Data Logging Software GA10 make it possible to build simple monitoring systems. The system also enables remote monitoring of manufacturing and testing sites, contributing to reducing the burden on the site.

Auto parts
Auto parts


Customer benefit

Remote monitoring of production and test sites is possible with the VZ20X and GA10 simple monitoring system. This simple system reduces the burden of on-site monitoring.



  • Many pieces of equipment are used in bearing durability tests, and moving between them to check statuses wastes a lot of time and effort.


  • Installing the VZ20X on the test equipmentlets you use GA10 remotely to centrally monitor all testing conditions.


  • The VZ20X can transfer measured data to higher-level systems via Ethernet.
  • GA10 enables data collection and monitoring with multiple projects.

Remote monitoring of a bearing endurance test


Product recommendation

  • Multi-Sensing Remote I/O Analog Sensing Unit VZ20X
    A sample program for system construction is introduced.
    *As of April 2022, the Analog Sensing Unit VZ20X is sold in Asia Pacific and the Middle East areas.
  • Data Logging Software GA10
    60-day free trial is available.

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