On the DR130, calculation stops during power integration.

Calculation stops when there is abnormal data, such as an overrange of an argument in the formula. If you suspect abnormal data, we recommend that you make a selection regarding error data processing (SKIP or ERROR) in SETUP mode. If you select SKIP, the abnormal data is ignored, and calculation continues. If you select ERROR, calculation stops when abnormal data occurs. With power integration, you need to take regenerated energy (minus) into account. With the span settings, take into account minus regenerated energy in the lower limit value.

Zugehörige Produkte & Lösungen

  • DR130

    The DR130 can record data in 10 colors from all measurement points at 2-second intervals. It has a variety of recording functions including analog trend recording over an effective recording width of 150 mm, recording of digital measured values, recording of various messages, zone recording, and partially compressed and expanded recording, thus enabling data to be read off speedily.

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