Road to Smart Factory with Sushi Sensor

"Sushi Sensor contributes to the achievement of smart factory for customers.
Sushi Sensor is a wireless solution for the Industrial IoT (IIoT) that includes various types of sensors such as vibration, temperature, and pressure to detect equipment condition.
It has excellent environmental resistance (dustproof, waterproof, and explosionproof), and can collect data of equipment distributed over a wide plant by long-distance wireless communication.
Improving plant production efficiency while  keeping equipment healthy is the key to sound business continuity.
Measurement data of equipment by IIoT sensors is essential for efficient  maintenance.Data collection and monitoring are also utilized for grasping the state of equipment and detecting signs of equipment abnormalities, leading to improved productivity.
Equipment maintenance utilizing such digital technology is the road to smart factory.
The first step begins with the introduction of Sushi Sensor."

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