
We have established a helpline for the general public and all stakeholders, including stakeholders in our supply chains. The helpline is also available in languages other than English.



Please contact the helpline if you become aware of or suspect that anyone related to the Yokogawa Group is violating laws, regulations, human rights, the Yokogawa Philosophy, the Yokogawa Group Code of Conduct, the Procurement Basic Policy, transaction contracts, or other matters so that we can correct the situation and prevent any recurrence.

We kindly request that you contact the helpline if you become aware of a violation or potential violation of human rights in our supply chains as well.

Contact form (The helpline is operated by the department in charge of corporate ethics.)



  • The helpline does not accept reports unrelated to non-compliance (violation of related laws and regulations).
  • To swiftly assess and investigate the report, please provide us with the specific details as much as possible.
  • We may not respond to reports unrelated to non-compliance.


Personal Information

  • In order to protect the privacy of the person making the report, personal information and the content of the report will be handled with due consideration, and will be owned and handled only by a limited number of investigators.
  • We will not disclose it to a third party without the consent of the individual.
  • The content of the report will be used only for investigation and response based on the report.
  • The person making the report or the company to which he/she belongs will not be treated unfavorably because of the report, inquiry, or consultation.
  • If you make a report, we will assume that you have agreed to this content.

