Webinar: Power of SWAS: Steam Water Analysis System

Dates: May 22, 2020

Topic: Power of SWAS: Steam Water Analysis System

Presenter: Piyush Potdar, ASI Manager – Analyzer Business, Yokogawa Engineering Asia Pte Ltd

Schedule: 22 May 2020 (Friday), 3pm - 4pm

About: The steam boiler and turbine are the most critical and expensive equipments in a power plant.

To prevent scaling and corrosion damage to steam turbines, steam boilers and other apparatus, a solution is required to control feedwater and steam quality at different stages of a power plant.

Water quality can only be maintained by continuous and accurate analysis safely, which helps the plant operator to understand how much chemical dosing is required, what are the potential leakage points, and what is the effect of scaling, all of which determines the overall health of a power plant.

In this webinar, we will share more about the Yokogawa SWAS solution.
