Shogo Ohsaki serves as an HR Business Partner (HRBP) in Yokogawa’s Human Resources and General Affairs Headquarters.He currently assists the Marketing Headquarters, lending expertise from an HR perspective in areas ranging from recruitment to leadership.
“HR has conventionally been about keeping operations rolling within a defined process,” Ohsaki explains. “Now, however, HR will be expected to become a good partner of the business headquarters, working with them to advance the Yokogawa business.”
In 2019, Ohsaki observed the first generation of Scenario Ambassadors in Project Lotus, predecessor to the Future Co-creation Initiative, from his HR perspective. In 2023, he became a Scenario Ambassador as part of the project’s second generation of participants.
*Insights shared in this dialogue are personal and not those of an official YOKOGAWA representative.
*Affiliations and positions are current as of December 2024
Project Lotus inspired me to join
“It looks tough but fun,” was Ohsaki’s first impression of the project.
His first encounter was with a stack of cardboard boxes brimming with 200 books from an assigned reading list. Meanwhile, the 2035 Scenarios created by the first generation Scenario Ambassadors were released online, astonishing Ohsaki with their impressive level of well-considered goals. His heart sped up as the details of the impending activity came into focus.
Ohsaki already had experience in cross-organizational projects at Yokogawa prior to joining the Future Co-creation Initiative. “I personally found it interesting to collaborate outside of HR, creating projects with other business departments.” Those feelings spurred his decision to join the Initiative, with its promise of individuals of diverse ages and departments debating issues without clear answers.
Enhancing rapport through open-ended scenarios
Ohsaki, who is working on the Initiative’s 2040 scenario, declares that the work is by no means easy. “We assemble lots of information, grapple with characterizing the world in 2040, and create a scenario. Still, we consistently question our ideas and scenario settings. There are no clear answers, and members’ opinions can be vague. Experiencing diverse perspectives and opinions and then coalescing them into a final form is difficult work.”
Furthermore, another feature of scenario planning is that it enables an understanding not only of the differences between individuals in terms of their job type, age, and workplace but also of their strengths and weaknesses. “One person is perhaps talented in researching and summarizing highly specialized areas, while another might be a gifted speaker. Engaging together in the scenario process illuminated each person’s individuality. Moreover, there were no ‘assignments’; rather, each proactively sought his or her own niche, determined in which area to contribute, and moved to do so. When each person takes the initiative, it leads to greatly diverse co-created activities which strengthen the organization. This was a major learning experience for me which was also very fascinating,” Ohsaki adds.
He has learned that his own strength lies in “seeing the big picture, collaborating to create scenarios, and summarizing,”a role he is mindful of in his activities.
The Future Co-creation Initiative: A unique niche
We asked Ohsaki about his thoughts on the Future Co-creation Initiative’s uniqueness and value from an HR perspective.
“The aim is to create value from a long-term perspective, so I find it a unique program with internal and external participants pondering a vision extending far into the future. Conventional scenario planning addresses strategy formulation, whereas the Future Co-creation Initiative focuses on human resource development.”
Ohsaki speaks enthusiastically about the Initiative’s value.
“Thinking about the global environment and social issues from a long-term perspective for the first time made me ponder my own life. When people with the same aspirations and problem awareness share their thoughts about the future, it creates new connections and broadens the domain of open co-existence and co-creation. Dialoguing with diverse individuals introduces ideas you never imagined, broadening your perspective, elevating your viewpoint, and training you to consider issues from multiple angles. Additionally, understanding others deepens your self-awareness. It helps you consider your priorities and goals and then act autonomously on them.”
HR’s work is to foster happy employees
Since joining the Future Co-creation Initiative, Ohsaki has been considering how he can make the most of society and the workplace. He has seen a change in his own behavior, as he now tries to maximize his strengths and seek new potential.
“Keeping the win-win concept in mind, we try to leverage our work environment to support our purposes and aspirations in life from a long-term perspective. Having this awareness fosters a growth mindset and spurs motivation,” he asserts.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, he noticed that some employees commuting to the office had smiles on their faces, while others were looking down. Ohsaki, whose motto is “unleash your potential,” found himself wishing all employees found themselves naturally smiling throughout the workday.
The HR pro began to wish that his company could ensure a happy work environment for its employees. Ohsaki holds on to this aspiration as he supports Yokogawa HR from his position as a Future Co-creation Initiative member.
From left: Shogo Ohsaki, Nobuko Ouchi, Chinatsu Takahata, Nobuyuki Tamaki (Yokogawa)

Shogo Ohsaki
Scenario Ambassador of the Future Co-creation Initiative
Area of expertise: HR Business Partner (HRBP)
Hobbies: soccer, traveling throughout Japan, coffee
Future Co-creation Initiative Menu
Top page of Yokogawa’s “Future Co-creation Initiative”
Our collaborators discuss the value and meaning of “Future Co-creation Initiative” from various perspectives.
Activity Overview
Introduction of our next-generation leadership development and a co-creation network beyond the scope of business.
Activity Objectives
Background and aspirations behind launching co-creative activities in an age without clear answers.
Future Scenarios
Future scenarios generated by young leaders of the future through scenario planning and co-creative dialogue.
Scenario Ambassadors
Introduction of Scenario Ambassadors—representatives selected from each Yokogawa department enjoying growth and learning.
Collaborator Networks
Fostering “weak ties” among our supporters, partners and individual companies, while building an industry-government-academia network.
Sponsor Article
Article published by WIRED, the US-based tech culture magazine.
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