Unified Operator Interface Solution Enables Remote Operation / AGL Hallet Power Station, Australia

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  • Location: Hallett, South Australia, Australia
  • Output/fuel: 200MW gas and oil fired
  • Owners: AGL Power Generation, Australia
  • Overview: AGL Hallett Power Station is a peak power station which provides South Australia with electricity in times of high electricity demand. The plant ensures a stable supply of electricity to the state.


AGL Hallett Power Station: Plant view
Unified Operator Interface Solution Enables Remote Operation / AGL Hallet Power Station, Australia

  • Operation date: 2002
  • Project type: Greenfield site
  • Plant configuration:
  • Gas turbines: 12 second hand Frame 5 gas turbines, manufactured under license to GE by John Brown, AEG and Nuovo Pignone, originally located at sites in Australia, Canary Islands, Chile and Finland.
  • Overview: This peak power plant was built in 2001 by AGL in response to growing summer demand in South Australia. It reduces the likelihood that power blackouts will occur and keeps electricity prices stable during periods of peak demand.Yokogawa Australia provided system engineering, installation support and commissioning services for the project. The company also supplied most of the field instruments.

(Customer requirements)

  • Remote control and operation:
    The plant owner needed to remotely operate up to 12 gas turbines from an existing control center in the city of Melbourne which is more than 900 km away from the plant site.
  • Fast track project:
    The project needed to be completed before the arrival of the Australian summer (2002). System equipment had to be delivered within three months of the initial order.
  • Flexible operation:
    The customer called for effective turbine operation to meet the needs for a power station operating in intermittent peaking mode.

(Yokogawa's solution)

  • Unified Operator Interface (UOI):
    The CENTUM CS 3000 / UOI was selected for this project. The control platform in the UOI is the GE Fanuc CIMPLICITY Human Machine Interface (HMI) system, which fully integrates the controls for the turbine and BOP auxiliaries and uses the same screens/formats at both the turbine and BOP HMI displays. The CIMPLICITY HMI used in the UOI is a SCADA based design that fully supports the customer's requirement for remote operation capability.
  • No delivery delay:
    In close cooperation with Yokogawa's factory in Singapore, Yokogawa Australia supplied fully engineered control systems on schedule.
  • Automatic turbine optimizer:
    The embedded automatic optimizer schedules and selects turbines to run to fulfill changing peaking market demands.
  • System


- Control scope:
Interface to GE SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Turbine Controllers
Balance of Plant (BOP) Control
Interface to ALSTOM SCADA
Interface to electricity market network for load dispatch(Electranet / NEMMCO)

- System equipment:


  • Energie

    Halverwege de jaren zeventig deed Yokogawa zijn intrede in de energiebranche met de introductie van het EBS Electric Control System. Sindsdien is Yokogawa gestaag doorgegaan met de ontwikkeling van technologieën en mogelijkheden om onze klanten wereldwijd de beste diensten en oplossingen te bieden.

    Yokogawa zet het internationale Network Power Solutions (NPS) in om een actievere rol te spelen in de dynamische wereldwijde energie markt. Dit heeft nauwere samenwerking binnen Yokogawa mogelijk gemaakt, waarbij onze wereldwijde middelen en industriële knowhow worden samengebracht. Yokogawa's experts in de energie-industrie werken samen om elke klant de oplossing te bieden die het beste past bij hun geavanceerde wensen.

  • Thermisch

    Thermische energie die steenkool, olie of gas als brandstof gebruikt, vertegenwoordigt het grootste deel van de elektriciteitsopwekking in de wereld.


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