Yokogawa is enabling innovation and digitalization of Europe’s pharmaceutical industry; ensuring stable and reliable supply of medicines to patients.
Pharmaceutical companies must achieve:
- increased flexibility and agility through better use and monitoring of manufacturing data to improve quality management in real time
- reduced time to market
- increased process efficiency.
Improve quality management in real time
Reduced time to market
Increased process efficiency
Right first-time, and zero-waste drug manufacturing are enabled by the utilization and smart analysis of manufacturing data in real-time.
With Yokogawa products and services, we safely, securely and smartly enable higher production flexibility, quicker and more agile process implementation, improved supply chain management, and faster achievement of target yields.
Deployed on-premise, in the cloud and at the edge, our technology and know-how deliver improvement in production quality, flexibility and cost.
Yokogawa … Integrator of all; ensuring well-being of all.
Do you want to be informed of Yokogawa’s latest perspectives and innovations in the Pharma Industry?
The pharmaceutical industry currently faces a major challenge in taking full advantage of the opportunities presented in large emerging markets. Now, more than ever, pharmaceutical companies need to introduce lean manufacturing techniques that will enhance profitability. As one of the world's leading industrial automation suppliers, Yokogawa is committed to delivering the best possible solutions for your best manufacturing practices.
Toekomstige evenementen
Conferentie okt 26 - 28, 2024 Copenhagen, DenmarkiSCMS 2024
We are excited to announce that Yokogawa's Life Science team will attend the International Symposium on Single-Cell Mass Spectrometry (ISCMS) 2024, which will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from October 26 to 28, 2024.
A critical requirement in biopharmaceutical development is the integration and automation of process equipment and analytical instruments used in the laboratory. Bioprocess labs with multiple lab-scale bioreactors often execute cultivation experiments in parallel for research or process development purposes.
As part of a collaboration between Securecell (Zurich, SW) and Yokogawa Life Science (Tokyo, Japan), this application note demonstrates the effective use of the Lucullus® Process Information Management System (Lucullus®) to assist in the control of three Advanced Control Bioreactor Systems (BR1000) to study glucose utilization of CHO cells for optimal monoclonal antibody productivity.
The critical steps in achieving advanced process control include building an accurate digital twin of a bioreactor, validating it, and establishing communication between the bioreactor and its digital twin. Several of these steps are already mature and Yokogawa is making rapid progress toward realizing ‘smart’ bioreactors for smart manufacturing.
Yokogawa Insilico Biotechnology released its Insilico Digital Twin Factory, which can help drugmakers increase productivity and bring down manufacturing costs and time to market by potentially replacing up to 50% of the experiments needed during the process development, characterization and scale-up of biopharmaceuticals.
Welcome to a transformative journey in the pharmaceutical industry!
Persbericht feb 20, 2023 Yokogawa gaat een partnerschap aan met Radial Software Group voor de levering van AI-gestuurde Viewport Software wereldwijd
Klanten krijgen een eenduidig overzicht van al hun technische data
Persbericht feb 2, 2023 Yokogawa neemt Fluence Analytics over, een pionier in het digitaliseren van de monitoring van polymerisatiereactie-processen
Het mogelijk maken van continue real-time monitoring van polymeren en biopolymeren
Persbericht nov 2, 2021 Yokogawa neemt Insilico Biotechnology over, ontwikkelaar van digitale tweeling voor bioprocessen
Innovatieve oplossingen voor biofarmaceutische ontwikkeling en productie
Persbericht dec 3, 2020 Yokogawa en InSphero sluiten samenwerkingsovereenkomst
Ondersteuning van geneesmiddelen ontwikkelingsonderzoek door het gebruik van HCA en driedimensionale kweekmodellen
Persbericht okt 5, 2021 Yokogawa en Source Medical kondigen samenwerking aan voor maatschappelijk welzijn
Digitale technologieën gaan de digitale transformatie van gezondheidszorgsystemen ondersteunen, laboratorium- en supply chain-processen verbeteren, kosten verlagen en de patiëntveiligheid verbeteren
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