Yokogawa CI Server—data-driven optimisation solution

In today's world of Digital Transformation, to stay competitive, organisations must keep pace with a fast-moving landscape that is changing the way we work.
New data-driven technologies are bringing innumerable benefits; improved efficiency and productivity, globalised supply chains, product diversification and the ability to repsond quickly to market changes.
Increasingly businesses are realising the importance of harnessing huge volumes of data to optimise operations and achieve excellence.

...and Yokogawa is helping its customers make that journey.

Yokogawa's Collaborative Information Server (CI Server) exactly offer the solution for those challenges.
CI Server sits at the heart of your business - unlocking the value of your data to improve operational efficiency and empower business decision making across the entire enterprise.


  • CI Server

    CI Server (Collaborative Information Server) 順應不斷變化的商業環境,為您創造新價值。
    橫河CI Server(CI伺服器)在建構數位化轉型框架的同時,能夠立即提高生產效率(DX:數位化轉型)、減少營運維護成本。 

