滿足FSSC22000 HACCP的要求和法規,同時提出食品安全和衛生管理問題的解決方案。
- 提高品質和生產力
- 減少製造和間接營運中的損失來降低成本
- 創造一個集中更多增值工作的環境
- 消費者需求多樣化,需要多種產品的小批量生產
- 工作人口的減少、工作技能的傳承
- 適應新常態(改變依靠人力生產現場擁擠的現狀)
為實現上述目標,橫河電機正在倡導 IA2IA(工業自動化到工業自主化)概念。
IA2IA 意味著向“自主運行”的製造系統轉變,在這個系統中,系統脫離需要持續人工監控和干預的製程,透過設施自我學習和自我適應,自主負責從開俥到停俥。
⇒ Industrial Automation to Industrial Autonomy
1) 自動制定生產計劃,減少了計劃流程數量,消除了對個人技能的依賴。
(2) 實現成本數據的統一化和可視化,明確降低成本需要採取的重點措施。
(3) 應對多種類產品生產,精準原材料管理減少庫存損失。
(4) 建立標誌監控/預防性維護基礎設施,減少設備停俥時間、故障次數、設備恢複時間,減少生產損耗。
(5) 透過人員和系統的雙重檢查,防止誤輸入,減少多種類產品生產中的誤操作損失。
(6) 整合生產結果實現快速溯源。
(7) 整合檢查結果來減少分析時間並快速實施措施穩定品質。
(8) 生產製程、設備和機器人的控制組合,實現生產製程自動化,減少現場人員和工人勞動力。
(9) 統一每個設施的能源消耗和設施運行結果,識别並改善能源浪費。
(10) 採集/分析營運數據,消除瓶頸、穩定品質。
Solutions | Package Product Name | Effects |
【生產排程】 | 生產排程器 FLEXSCHE | (1) |
【生產、銷售與成本管理】 | Production Management mcframe | (2)(3) |
【設備維護與管理】 | 數位化維護管理系統 | (4) |
【故障預測與管理】 | Automatic Device Status Analysis Package DUCSOnEX Predictive detection | (4) (4) |
【生產執行與管理】 | Manufacturing Management Package CIMVisionLIBRA | (3)(5)(6)(8) |
【品質/檢驗管理】 | 實驗室資訊管理系統(LIMS) | (7) |
【物流/倉庫管理】 | Logistics Management Package MaterialStream | (3)(8) |
【製程資料庫】 | Realtime Operational Information Management Package PI System Plant Information Management System Exaquantum IIoT Solutions for Efficiency Process Data Analytics Quality Stabilization System [Digital Plant Operation Intelligence] | (9) (9)(10) (7)(10) (7)(10) |
【能源管理】 | Factory Energy Operation Supporting System Enerize E3 能源管理 | (9)(10) (9)(10) |
【程序自動化】 | 程序自動化 Exapilot | (5) |
【生產製程監控】 | Distributed Control System (DCS) CENTUM VP Field Instruments | (8)(10) (8)(9)(10) |
Solutions Map
利用以下五點實現降低成本: (1)支援生產計劃; (2)生產管理和成本管理; (3)設備維護; (4)生產管理; and (5)自動控制和穩定品質
(1) 支援生產計劃
- 手動操作費時費力
- 根據人員、設備和污染情況,生產計劃的自動規劃成為可能。
- 高度可視的用戶界面,可以針對計劃進行進度管理。
- 大幅減少計劃工時,縮短計劃時間,消除對個人技能的依賴。
- 藉由與營運管理一致的有效計劃,實現生產成本、機會損失、以及產品庫存的降低。
(2) 生產管理和成本管理
- 利潤分析、成本差異分析等成本計算困難。
- 難以掌握準確的成本、結果和損失。
- 由於需求波動,生產無法跟上銷售計劃的變化。
- 從製造現場收集準確的績效數據,進行成本核算,掌握成本和損失。
- 利用製造、銷售和庫存訊息之間的協作以及高速MRP,實現對供需波動的響應。
- 反映生產條件的計劃能夠順利將計劃修改反映到生產現場。
- 設定標準成本,掌握實際成本,簡化成本差異分析,實現成本降低。並且實現上述工作工時的減少。
- 即時響應供需變化來減少機會成本的生產。
- 庫存管理最佳化,減少庫存損失。
(3) 設備維護
- 設施突然發生故障導致生產線關閉、進行恢複需要時間並喪失機會成本。
- 無法準確管理維修零件,導致零件庫存多。
- 為防止故障突發進行的定期檢查與實際故障狀態脫節,導致製度檢查,造成工時不足。
- 制定計劃以及審查計劃都需要時間。
- 整合管理設備維修訊息,例如製去的故障數據,及時制定檢查計劃。
- 管理訊息和設施運行數據集中管理使CBM狀態基準維護成為可能,可以消除多餘的檢查。
- 對設備振動和溫度的連續監測,無需定期檢查即可檢測設備故障並預防故障。
※CBM:狀態基準維護(Condition Based Maintenance)
- 設施的穩定運行實現了按計劃生產,並減少了因浪費造成的損失。
- CBM的實現減少了設備停機時間、故障數量,並縮短了設備恢複時間。
- 集中管理訊息,減少了如紙質作業和抄錄等維護管理工時。
- 監控跡象實現有效的設施檢查,並減少檢查工時。
(4) 生產管理
- 不能正確實施原材料先進先出的管理原則,造成浪費。
- 因秤重錯誤和輸入錯誤等操作失誤造成損失。
- 對品質異常、設備故障或工作錯誤的追蹤需要花費很長時間,無法及時響應。
- 雖然引進了自動化設備,但無法減少工人工時。
- 從進貨到使用完畢,實現適當的儲備管理和準確的庫存管理。
- 將人工紙質管理的現場結果等訊息,實現電子化作業。
- 利用系統管理標準操作程序,實現在程序指導下的系統和人員雙重檢查。
- 提高庫存控制準確性、減少製期材料,實現原材料庫存減少。
- 現場績效訊息的電子化,可縮短追蹤時間,並防止與庫存訊息不一致的抄錄錯誤。
- 減少作業員失誤,減少浪費。
- 系統支援自動化設備指令,可以實現生產現場的整體優化。
(5) 自動控制和穩定品質
- 雖然引進了自動化設備,但每個生產項目的調整都需要時間。
- 品質不穩定且原因不明。
- 因設備異常導致生產線停工、原材料不能按照計劃時間供應等導致生產效率低下。
- 導入DCS,根據生產項目的配方實現自動控制。
- 將4M波動因素進行可視化,確保品質穩定。
- 監控設備故障跡象,透過設備自動化和原材料供應商的合作,實現實時生產。
- 更改生產項目時縮短停俥時間。
- 確保穩定的品質,同時跟蹤生產現場的變化,實現最佳操作。
- 減少生產線停俥故障,實現穩定的工廠運營。
軟體產品名稱 | 挑戰 |
Production Scheduler FLEXSCHE | (1)(2) |
Production Management mcframe | (2) |
Computerized Maintenance Management System eServ | (3) |
Automatic Device Status Analysis Package DUCSOnEX | (3) |
Manufacturing Management Package CIMVisionLIBRA | (4) |
Operation Efficiency Improvement Package Exapilot | (4) |
IIoT Solutions for Efficiency Process Data Analytics | (5) |
Quality Stabilization System [Digital Plant Operation Intelligence] | (5) |
Distributed Control System (DCS) CENTUM VP | (5) |
由於健康意識的提高,導入HACCP 等風險管理系統,以及對食品多樣性的需求,對食品「安全」的興趣正在上升,「品質」要求越來越嚴格,不僅對食品製造業, 也適用於食品相關的企業。
- 含有哪些過敏原?
- 原材料/生產材料的過敏原含量是否可接受?
- 是否存在過敏原污染的可能性?
- 是否符合清真認證?
- 快速回應來自市場的詢問
(建立查詢及指示事項回覆系統) - 快速回覆原材料和製造製程異常引起的品質問題
(建立Trace Forward/Traceback系統) - 產品生命周期縮短:
(1) 生產管理:
軟體產品名稱 | 解決方案 |
Production Scheduler FLEXSCHE | (1) |
Production Management mcframe | (1) |
Manufacturing Management Package CIMVisionLIBRA | (2) |
Operation Efficiency Improvement Package Exapilot | (2) |
Laboratory Information Management System LIMS | (3) |
Realtime Operational Information Management Package PI System | (4) |
Plant Information Management System Exaquantum | (4) |
Panel Mount Recorders Touch Screen GX10/GX20 | (4) |
- 訪問控制 :唯有當事人才能進入場地。
- 出入控制 : 唯有相關人員才能進入工廠和進入生產製程。
- 製程監控 : 原材料/產品的可追溯性控制和製程操作的影片記錄
Traceability / HACCP
COVID-19 新冠疫情的對策
近年來,新冠疫情的爆發迫使食品製造業採取各種措施,例如控制現場工作人員的身體狀況,避免工廠的三個 C(封閉空間、擁擠場所和密切接觸環境)。
我們協助滿足食品防護、生物警戒和生物恐怖主義的要求,這些要求在先決條件計劃 ISO/TS22002-1: 2009 食品製造食品安全系統 FSSC 22000 第 18 章中有所描述。
|訪問控制 | 工作影片錄製 | 過程分區控制/a> | 成分/化學品儲存連結 |
- 逗留時間管理:如果逗留時間超過預設時間,則判斷為異常。
- 智慧安控Anti-pass back:此功能可防止無卡片操作進出。
- Manufacturing Management Package CIMVisionLIBRA
- Operation Efficiency Improvement Package Exapilot
- Monitoring camera FIELDEYE
本節介紹食品工廠的衛生管理解決方案,例如 HACCP、FSSC22000*、食品品質管理和衛生設備,以及減少食品浪費的努力。
橫河電機從第 6 步:進行危害分析、第 7 步:確定關鍵控制點、第 9 步:建立監控系統、第 10 步:建立糾正措施、第 11 步:建立驗證程序和第 12 步:建立 文件和記錄保存。
YOKOGAWA 提供衛生傳感器和分析儀,能滿足食品製造業的嚴格衛生要求。
- Manufacturing Management Package CIMVisionLIBRA
- Operation Efficiency Improvement Package Exapilot
- Laboratory Information Management System LIMS
- Realtime Operational Information Management Package PI System
- Plant Information Management System Exaquantum
- Panel Mount Recorders Touch Screen GX10/GX20
YOKOGAWA 提供防止故障、工廠穩定、安全運行和減少生產機會損失的解決方案,包括支援設施分類帳管理和維護計劃的設備維護系統,以及基於機器學習的異常預測檢測系統。
- 無法得知設備部件的最佳更換週,檢測週期。
- 生產設備性能突然下降或停工,需要時間來應對恢複。
- 故障歷史的可視化可以確定設備部件的更換周期並制定最佳維護計劃。
- 設備相關數據的綜合管理,確保正確的設備備件庫存控制。
- 減少定期檢查工作的工時。
- 減少突發設備故障,減少生產機會損失。
- 統一管理設備和維護訊息,減少紙張管理和抄寫紀錄等間接操作。
- 減少響應設備問題所需的時間。
- 重大機會損失是由生產設備的突然故障或停俥造成的。
- 生產設備異常檢測延遲,迫使產品處定和召回。/li>
- 檢測設備中的輕微異常並在故障發生前發出警報,防止故障。
- 持續監測設備振動和溫度,以檢測設備故障跡象。
- 將收集的數據進行分析,快速確定故障原因。
- 減少突發設備故障,減少生產機會損失。
- 降低因設備和工業異常引起的品質風險。
- 減少響應設備問題所需的時間。
軟體產品名稱 | 挑戰 |
Computerized Maintenance Management System eServ | (1) |
Industrial IoT Data Logging & Dashboard | (2) |
Sushi Sensor | (2) |
Automatic Device Status Analysis Package DUCSOnEX | (2) |
Predictive detection | (2) |
Data Logging Software GA10 | (2) |
- 難以確定能源管理的改善要點
- 能源管理正在推進,但我們不知道下一步該做什麼
- 除了節省公用事業的能源外,我們還希望與生產流程相結合以降低總體生產成本
- 支援找出浪費和設定最佳 KPI
- 單品、單批能耗率透明化
- 整合能源資訊和生產資訊,實現整個生產製程的節能活動
- 整個工廠的能耗可視化,可以每月比較和識別改進點
- 掌握各生產線的動向,更容易進行節能措施的調查和效果的測定
- 通過與生產信息關聯,可以分析製造過程中能源效率下降的原因。
- 將同一製造項目與其他工廠進行比較,可以從公用事業成本的角度實現最佳生產計劃
⇒Kofu factory
- Production Scheduler FLEXSCHE
- Factory Energy Operation Supporting System Enerize E3
- Energy Management
- Data Logging Software GA10
- Distributed Temperature Sensor
- Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometers
- Sushi Sensor
- Level Meters
- Magnetic Flowmeters
- Vortex Flowmeters
- Coriolis Mass Flowmeters
- 如果氣泡進入現有的品質流量計,則超出量程。
- 即使是含有10%或更多氣泡的流體也可以測量。
- 可進行連續測量,減少因氣泡污染導致未知混合量而丟棄的損失
Shree Renuka Sugars Limited (SRSL) is a global agribusiness and bio-energy corporation. The company is one of the world’s largest sugar producers and refiners.
Yokogawa provided Mewah, one of the largest vegetable oil processors, with a structured Smart Manufacturing Assessment Workshop.
The company's Industry 4.0 roadmap was clarified through the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) based workshop.
日清食品NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS 選擇橫河電機作為合作夥伴,實現下一代智慧工廠。
整合後的 MES 解決方案幫助日本的大型食品工廠實現完全自動化。
- Yokogawa provided control solutions for expansion project in sugar and bio-energy plant.
- Consolidated central control room was designed for safe, comfortable, and efficient work environment.
S&B Sankyo uses the GX20 Paperless Recorder to monitor temperature and pressure in a food processing plant's sterilization process.
Rousselot Ghent won Belgium Factory of the Future Award. Yokogawa has supported Rousselot with automation systems since 1993.
Data of 20,000 tags gathered by Exaquantum helped to find the ideal production parameters.
Kyowa Hakko Bio monitors vibration trends with Yokogawa's Sushi Sensors to prevent unexpected equipment failures.
By using eServ, sensor data and maintenance information are shared with everyone involved in manufacturing.
The TC series of temperature controllers is perfect for controlling the heating temperature of sealing parts and the temperature of sealing rolls (pre-heating) in a variety of different wrapping machinery.
- The new package software running on the CENTUM CS 3000 has enabled flexible configuration and data settings for greater productivity.
- The CENTUM CS 3000 features a standard long-term trend function that can store a year's worth of data on more than 200 tags that are sampled at 2 minute intervals.
In the past, the boiler feed tank systems in sugar factories had to be checked several times a day to make sure there were no sugar solution leaks. This was a very laborious process and, as continuous monitoring was not possible, monitoring results were not reliable. When a leak occurred, recovery operations were very costly and time-consuming. (AN10D01K01-02E)
One of the critical control points in the brewing process is the monitoring of the progress of the fermentation stage. The DM8 Vibration Type Liquid Density Meter offers high sensitivity and stability, realizes precise control, reduces workload, and reduces instrument costs.
Skim milk is what remains after cream is removed from raw milk. Cream is removed to bring the fat content of the skim milk as close as possible to the lower limit of a designated range. For this purpose, control of the fat content in the cream and the skim milk is essential. The fat content in the cream and the milk has a direct relationship to their density and is controlled by the measurement thereof.
- For remote monitoring (of temperature, pressure, and flow volume), installing the SMARTDAC+ GM in the plant and the SMARTDAC+ GX in the office provides for a scalable, pc-free on-site data monitoring solution.
- You can centralize management of large quantities of data by automatically transferring acquired data to a FTP server.
The discharge of improperly treated industrial chemicals and fuel gas can have a major impact on the environment, posing a serious threat to public health. Concurrent with the global growth of manufacturing operations to keep pace with market trends, many countries are taking measures to deal with environmental problems.
SMARTDAC+ GX series records the clean room temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, door openings and closings, etc.
Milk should be processed within 4 to 6 hours of production to make it fit for human consumption. Temperature is a very important parameter which has to be monitored at different stages of milk processing.
In the plants of food and beverage manufacturers, there are times when monitoring and recording of production equipment is necessary inside clean rooms. This is an introduction to monitoring and recording in clean rooms using paperless recorders.
What if you could detect signs of abnormalities in bus ducts (bus bars) quickly during maintenance and inspection work and respond to them at just the right time? Yokogawa DTSX monitoring solution constantly monitors connections that tend to deteriorate over time and contributes by pinpointing abnormality locations and reducing workload of maintenance personnel, helping to ensure stability in plant operations.
Brewery is facility to produce beer. Breweries process is the manufacturing process of beer, which is a fermented beverage with low alcohol content made from various types of grain. Wheat, maize and other grains can be used for this. Brewing process starts from malted barley that is to form a mash by milling and mixing with hot water. The malt starches are converted to sugars during this process. This sugar rich water is then strained through the bottom of the mash and will be called as "wort". Then the wort will be brought to boil by bringing to the brew kettle. For bitterness or aroma hops are to be added at different times during the boil. Then the wort is cooled and aerated. And brewers yeast is added for fermentation. From the sweet wort the yeast produces carbon dioxide, alcohol and other byproducts. The GREEN BEER undergoes maturation after fermentation. Filtaration and carbonation are the last steps. Finally the beer will be stay in holding tank until it is bottled or kegged.
The paperless recorder DX series automatically calculate the Fo value from the heating temperature and are useful in managing the sterilization process by displaying and recording the value together with the heating temperature.
In the food industry, the control of concentrations on the production line is critical to product quality, determining, among other things, how good the food tastes. One such procedure for doing this involves taking a sample from the production process and measuring its specific gravity (density) with a hydrometer.
By using the Multibatch function (an option added with SMARTDAC+), you can efficiently record data from multiple devices onto a single SMARTDAC+.
Using the custom display function that comes standard with DXAdvanced means that you can combine the recorders, displays, and switches used in various kinds of equipment.
Using the batch name + lot number system, past measured data can be recalled for reference by batch name.
Yokogawa's ceramic liner can offer the customer superior resistance to thermal shock and the failure that can occur due to liner cracking. This is due to Yokogawa's use of 99.9% pure Al2O3 for the liner.
- Universal inputs provide support for thermocouple, RTD, voltage, and a variety of other input signals.
- Lineup of models for up to 450 inputs.
Allows multipoint monitoring and recording on a single unit. - Easily enables network-based data management.
file transfers, Web monitoring, and alarm e-mail
By using the computation function of the SMARTDAC+ series Paperless recorder GX/GP, computation option computes the "F-value," or sterilizing value for the sterilization process, so that the computation results can be recorded in the form of data.
With industrial and economic development comes increasingly large and advanced power plants and factories. Nevertheless, we find many cases where the original cables, cable tunnels, and other components of the power infrastructure have languished under continuous operation.
The sterilization temperature prior to the filling process is monitored in the field or office. The temperature data is recorded in an external storage medium.
Fish perform all their bodily functions in water. Because fish are totally dependent upon water to breathe, feed and grow, excrete wastes, maintain a salt balance, and reproduce, understanding the physical and chemical qualities of water is critical to successful aquaculture. To a great extent water determines the success or failure of an aquaculture operation.
This introduces a system that uses Ethernet communications to acquire measured values, target values, and control output values from a controller installed on site into a PLC at high speed (ten units' worth within one second).
To defray energy costs, many industrial plants have their own boilers to generate steam in order to produce a portion of their energy needs. In addition to generating power, the steam may also be used directly in plant processes or indirectly via heat exchangers or steam jacketed vessels.
With advances in process automation comes a greater need for level measurement and control. As pressure on at the bottom surface of a liquid is proportional to the height of the liquid's surface, you can measure pressure using a differential pressure transmitter to detect the level of the liquid, acquire the data on the UT75A Digital Indicating Controller, and use the measurements to control the tank level.
In the manufacturing process of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food & Beverage industries, the cleaning and sterilization of tanks and piping are done with various cleaning solutions, fresh or hot water and steam after manufacturing products. Clean-In-Place (CIP) is the system designed for automatic cleaning and disinfecting.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure.
After extraction from sugar cane or sugar beets, juice must be purified to remove the many other organics and minerals that accompany it. The processing to accomplish this is heavily dependent on reliable pH measurement and control as illustrated.
One of the primary applications for high purity water is for boiler feed water. The measurement of pure water pH can be one of the quickest indicators of process contamination in the production or distribution of pure water. Effective chemical treatment of the feed water is vital in maintaining the useful operating life and minimizing maintenance costs of the boiler.
Industry:Power, Pharmaceutical, Common
Optimizing four key factors will decrease pH sensor costs and optimize process control and overall plant efficiency.
This technical white paper will discuss Yokogawa's CENTUM VP DCS (Distributed Control System) product, hereafter referred to as "CENTUM VP", and the extent of its compliance with Part 11 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, (21 CFR Part 11), the Electronic Records / Electronic Signatures Rule.
Sugar and alcohol market are increasing, due humanity needs to find alternatives for fossil fuels dependence. Brazil joins climactic and technologic features to place itself at the forefront of this industry.
The worlds of process automation and production management have been converging for some time. What once used to be islands of automation and production management functionality connected through highly proprietary integration schemes that were costly to maintain have developed into integrated platforms that provide seamless data exchange between the world of automation and the plant floor, the functions of production and operations management, and integration with business level systems.
The world of process automation is governed by procedures. While we like to refer to the process industries as being largely "continuous", this could not be further from the truth. Process manufacturing is constantly in flux.
This document describes the operation and data flow of the Yokogawa Print Wave software using the DX-P Reporter. It will provide a detailed explanation of the Advanced Alarm Reporter functions. The functions described in this paper were first released in Print Wave version 5.5.
Honeywell and Yokogawa have both been producing Distributed Control System (DCS) platforms for decades, and both are very active in this area. In 1975, Honeywell introduced its TDC2000 platform and Yokogawa brought out CENTUM. These two competing systems emerged from a similar place, oil refining and petrochemical industries, so they started out with similar basic concepts and use cases in mind.
As a gateway to further expand Yokogawa's messaging as a One-stop Solution Business, Yokogawa has partnered up with INCIT, to introduce the S.I.R.I. framework.