Yokogawa 的螢光顯微影像系統和生命科學解決方案支援從基礎研究、研發藥物到臨床前試驗的應用。
High Content Analysis CellVoyager
我們的高內涵分析 (HCA) 系統使用功能強大的軟體,支援從基礎科學到復雜化合物篩選的廣泛研究應用。
橫河電機的OpreX信息管理系統(Informatics Manager)是一種信息集成解決方案。它可在技能和日程安排方面優化人力和物力資源管理,優於傳統的電子實驗室筆記本。
FlowCam 顆粒流式成像分析系統
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Principles of Spinning disk confocal
最常見的傳統共軛焦顯微鏡使用單個雷射光束掃描樣本, CSU 使用增強的 Nipkow 盤掃描,使用大約 1,000 束雷射光束掃描視野:簡而言之,CSU 的掃描速度可以提高 1,000 倍。
通過將包含微透鏡陣列的磁盤與 Nipkow 磁盤結合使用,顯著提高光效率,能成功使活細胞的即時共軛焦成像成為可能。
經擴展和準直的激光束照射包含約 20,000 個微透鏡(微透鏡陣列盤)的上盤。每個微透鏡將激光束聚焦到其相應的針孔上,從而通過放定在針孔陣列盤(Nipkow 盤)中的針孔有效地增加激光強度。
使用微透鏡,可以顯著減少針孔盤表面的雷射光背向散射而顯著提高共軛焦圖像的訊號雜訊比 (S/N)。
每個針孔大約 1,000 束雷射光束填充物鏡的孔徑,然後聚焦在軛焦平面。樣品產生的螢光被顯微鏡獲取並聚焦回針孔盤上,通過相同的孔傳輸消除離焦信號,由位在微透鏡陣列盤和 Nipkow 盤之間的分色鏡偏轉以分裂螢光來自反射雷射的信號,發射濾光片,然後聚焦到目鏡或相機中的圖像平面。
微透鏡陣列盤和 Nipkow 盤在物理上相互固定並旋轉以高速掃描整個視野,從而可以通過 CSU 的目鏡即時查看共軛焦螢光圖像。
與傳統的單點掃描相比,CSU 的多光束掃描需要非常低的單位面積光強度,顯著降低活細胞中的光漂白和光毒性。
Spinning Disk Confocal
Microlens-enhanced Nipkow Disk Technology
Comparison of scanning method

Point Scanning
1 line scan time=1[ms]
1000 lines/image
Scan lines=1000 [lines]
1×1000=1000 [ms]

Disk Scanning by CSU
Rotation Speed=10000 [rpm]=41.7[rps]
1÷( 41.7×30/360 )= 0.5 [ms]
January | 8,2021 | Sales release : Advanced Control Bioreactor System BR1000 was released. |
August | 20,2020 | Discovering Potential Covid-19 Therapies using High Content Screening Date: Wednesday August 26th 2020 Abstract: |
June | 5,2020 | Sales release : High-throughput Cytological Discovery System CV8000 : 20x water immersion lens option was released. |
March | 18,2020 | Sales release : Single-cell Analysis Solution Single Cellome Unit SU10 |
January | 20,2020 | Sales release : High Content Analysis Software CellPathfinder update and Deep learning option was released. Link to products High Content Analysis Software CellPathfinder |
January | 15,2020 | Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) 2020 January 25-29, 2020 We will exhibit high content analysis system "CellVoyager CQ1". Link to products -Poster- 1207-C: |
December | 6,2019 | Sales release : A flat-top beam shaper option CSU-W1 Uniformizer |
November | 18,2019 | ASCB/EMBO 2019 December 8-10, 2019 We will exhibit Spinning disk confocal "CSU-W1 SoRa" and high content analysis system "CellVoyager CQ1". Link to products -Tech talks- December 9, 3:00-4:00 pm – Theater 2, Learning Center Uniformizer, a new flat-top beam shaper for CSU-W1 & Introduction to new approach for single cell analysis Presenter: Naoki Ando: Product specialist of CSU, Masahiro Kajita: Project manager of “Single Cellome” Yokogawa continues to make improvements to provide the best products for biology researchers. So far, CSU has fulfilled the researchers' wish to take images fast, wide, clear and in super-resolution. This time, we will introduce the new option “Uniformizer” of our product “CSU-W1”. This unit uniformizes the laser illumination and enables quantitative imaging. This provides a large seamless montage image between each field. Furthermore, Yokogawa also takes new challenge for the next field, which is single cell analysis. As a trial, it had prototyped automated single cell sampling system, and it has possible to investigate the molecular characterization of each single cell. This tech talk will introduce 1) ”Uniformizer” and 2) new approach for single cell analysis, which could perform with confocal microscopy. |
October | 3,2019 | SLAS 2019 Advanced 3D Human Models and High-Content Analysis Symposium October 21-12, 2019 We will exhibit high content analysis system "CellVoyager CQ1". Link to informations Find out more about SLAS 2019 Advanced 3D Human Models and High-Content Analysis Symposium |
April | 8,2019 | FOM 2019 April 14-17, 2019 We will exhibit Spinning disk confocal "CSU-W1 SoRa". Link to products |
January | 16,2019 | SLAS 2019 February 4-6, 2019 We will exhibit high content analysis system "CellVoyager". Link to products *Poster presentation is planned. Details will be posted as soon as it is decided. |
October | 24,2018 | ASCB/EMBO 2018 December 9-11, 2018 -Tech talks- December 9, 3:00-4:00 pm – Theater 2, Learning Center Super Resolution Confocal Scanner Unit CSU-W1 Sora Presenter: Takuya Azuma: Chief designer of CSU-W1 Sora, Yokogawa will introduce our brand-new product “CSU-W1 SoRa.” This is a spinning disk based super resolution confocal scanner unit. In this talk, we will introduce features and principles of this product and we will show beautiful image samples taken by “CSU-W1 SoRa”. Features of “CSU-W1 SoRa”: 1) XY resolution of approx. 120nm. XY resolution has been improved by approximately 1.4x the optical limit based on spinning-disk confocal technology. Furthermore, a final resolution approximately twice the optical limit is realized through deconvolution. 2) Ideal for super-resolution live cell imaging. Just like the CSU, high-speed real time imaging can be performed with super-resolution. In addition, live cell imaging is possible, reducing bleaching and phototoxicity. 3) The CSU is easy to use. Super-resolution images can be observed in real time without any specific preparation of sample. Deep position observation is made possible through optical sectioning based on confocal technology. 4) Upgradable from CSU-W1. If you already have CSU-W1, you can add SoRa disk. |
September | 14,2018 | Sales release : High Content Analysis Software CellPathfinder |
July | 27,2018 | Sales release : High-speed Super resolution Confocal Scanner CSU-W1 SoRa |
June | 11,2018 | 2018 SLAS Europe |
March | 01,2018 | Sales release : High Content Data Management System CellLibrarian |
December | 29,2017 | SLAS 2018 February 3-7, 2018 |
December | 29,2017 | Sales news : The Discontinuation of CellVoyagerTM CV7000S High-throughput Cytological Discovery System |
September | 05,2017 | Sales release : CellVoyagerTMCV8000 High-throughput Cytological Discovery System |
January | 19,2017 | SLAS High-Content Screening Conference 2017 Find out more about SLAS High-Content Screening Conference 2017 |
April | 04,2016 | Poster presentation in 3D Cell Culture 2016, 19-21 April 2016, Konzerthaus Freiburg/Germany Yokogawa Electric Corporation will present data obtained by our confocal image cytometer CQ1 in “3D Cell Culture 2016: How close to ‘in vivo’ can we get? Models, Application & Translation”. The poster will show the results of 3D live cell imaging and analysis of the migration and the network formation of HUVEC cells in a multilayered cell sheet. The results demonstrate that CQ1 is an excellent research tool in the field such as regenerative medicine and drug discovery screening. *Data were provided from BioProcess Systems Engineering Lab., Dept.Biotech., Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka University. |
February | 10,2016 | Yokogawa Concludes Distribution Agreement with Optec, LLC for Sale of Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer CQ1 at the markets of OPTEC activity |
October | 01,2015 | Sales release : Label-free Morphological Analysis Software CellActivision |
Visualizing the cell behavioral basis of epithelial morphogenesis and epithelial cancer progression
Faster, Deeper, and Clearer -in vivo molecular imaging technology-
Discovering the Basic Principles of Life through the Live Imaging of C. elegans
Closing in on Neuronal Circuit Dynamics through High-speed, fMCI.
New Era in Manmmalian Genetics Research: To utilize the same embryo after long-time 3D observation!
Getting Closer to “Plant Cell World”with High-speed Live Imaging and Image Information Processing.
Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy for Quantitative Imaging and Multi-Point Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy.
On-site manipulation of protein activities: Understanding intricate cell signaling pathways.
Use of the spinning disk confocal at the Harvard Medical School microscopy core.
The CV8000 nuclear translocation analysis software enables the analysis of changes in the localization of signal molecules that transfer between cytoplasm and nuclei, such as proteins. The following is an example of the translocation analysis of NFκB, a transcription factor.
Comparison between CSU and conventional LSM in 4D movies.
To investigate interactive dynamics of the intracellular structures and organelles in the stomatal movement through live imaging technique, a CSU system was used to capture 3-dimensional images (XYZN) and time-laps images (XYT) of guard cells.
CV1000 clears the hurdle in Live Cell Imaging
All-in-one Live cell imaging solution
Cell stage categorized using FucciTime lapse imaging of Fucci-added Hela cells was conducted over 48 hrs at 1 hr intervals. Gating was performed based on the mean intensities of 488 nm and 561 nm for each cell. They were categorized into four stages, and the cell count for each was calculated.
The CQ1 confocal image acquisition mechanism with the distinctive CSU® unit has a function to sequentially acquire fine cell images along the Z-axis and capture information from the entire thickness of
cells which include heterogenic populations of various cell cycle stages. In addition, saved digital images can be useful for precise observation and analysis of spatial distribution of intracellular molecules.
The CQ1 capability to seamlessly analyze images and obtain data for things such as cell population statistics to individual cell morphology will provide benefits for both basic research and drug discovery
targetingM-cell cycle phase.
- Colony Formation
- Scratch Wound
- Cytotoxicity
- Neurite Outgrowth
- Co-culture Analysis
- Cell Tracking
Faster, Brighter, and More Versatile Confocal Scanner Unit
Welcome to The New World of High Content Analysis
High-throughput Cytological Discovery System
Cell clusters are directly measured with high-throughput 3D imaging Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer
Wide and Clear
Confocal Scanner Unit
List of Selected Publications : CSU-W1
List of Selected Publications : CQ1
List of Selected Publications : CSU-X1
List of Selected Publications : CV8000, CV7000, CV6000
This "Tutorial" provides overview of this software, from installation through data analysis.
In this tutorial, a method for analyzing ramified structure, using CellPathfinder, for the analysis of the vascular endothelial cell angiogenesis function will be explained.
In this tutorial, a method for analyzing ramified structure, using CellPathfinder, for the analysis of the vascular endothelial cell angiogenesis function will be explained.
In this tutorial, spheroid diameter and cell (nuclei) count within the spheroid will be analyzed.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform time-lapse analysis of objects with little movement using CellPathfinder, through calcium imaging of iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
In this tutorial, we will identify the cell cycles G1-phase, G2/M-phase, etc. using the intranuclear DNA content.
In this tutorial, image analysis of collapsing stress fibers will be performed, and concentration-dependence curves will be drawn for quantitative evaluation.
In this tutorial, we will observe the change in number and length of neurites due to nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulation in PC12 cells.
In this tutorial, intranuclear and intracytoplasmic NFκB will be measured and their ratios calculated, and a dose-response curve will be created.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform cell tracking with CellPathfinder through the analysis of test images.
In this tutorial, using images of zebrafish whose blood vessels are labeled with EGFP, tiling of the images and recognition of blood vessels within an arbitrary region will be explained.
新聞 2014年2月27日 Yokogawa Announces Release of CQ1 Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer
- Accurate and efficient quantification of cell morphological features -
新聞 2014年8月5日 Yokogawa Technology Selected for the Japan Science and Technology Agency's Next-generation Technology Transfer Program
- A major step towards the development of A confocal image single-cell drug discovery support system -
新聞 2020年3月18日 用於生物學研究的SU10單細胞組件分析儀
新聞 2020年12月3日 Yokogawa與InSphero簽訂合作協議
- 使用HCA和三維培養模型支援藥物研發使用HCA和三維培養模型支援藥物研發 -