







  1. 在製程工廠中獲取、優化和維持流程知識和控制。
  2. 在工廠控制系統中以適當的級别執行流程,以滿足流程的可靠性和靈活性要求。
  3. 將流程集成到操作員界面和報警系統中,提高態勢感知能力。


  1. Vigilant程序谘詢和工具 - 根據操作要求,將程序執行模組的工具、功能和谘詢翹楚人士功能內定到控制系統結構中。
  2. 知識工程 - 無論是在手動的現有控制系統還是在操作員的心中,MPA顧問和工程師都是獲取和記錄當前使用程序的翹楚。
  3. 模組化的工程 – 在新興ISA-106標準作業和研發方法方面,基於標準的設計可以確保用戶的程序性投入始終可靠且適合操作人員。
  4. 先進的決策支持整合 - 將程序集成到高性能的HMI和報警系統中,可以在製程條件和狀態下為操作員提供高層次的態勢感知能力。
  5. 操作員模擬 - 通製整合和部署操作員培訓系統來提高MPA的價值,以培訓工廠操作員對異常條件和製程轉換的有效執行做出適當的反應。



Exapilot disply image







(1) 用組合圖標表示操作流程(組態期間)


Exapilot display

(2) 避免遺漏步驟(操作期間)


(3) 將DCS操作和監視自動化


(4) 與生產控制系統無縫連接


(5) 將標準操作程序文檔化(SOP)


(6) 將Exapilot用作運行仿真器


(7) 充分發揮經驗豐富操作員的作用




R3.98 (2018年8月)
  1. 新運行環境支持Windows Server 2016 Standard (64位)
  2. 支持橫河電機可視化平台
  3. 強化事件驅動單元程序


    R3.95 (2013年1月)
    1. Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32位),只支持Exapilot客戶端。
    2. 採用Windows用戶身份驗證模式增強安全功能。
    3. 加強PCS輸出確認功能。
    4. 新增操作批注輸入功能。
    R3.90 (2011年9月)
    1. 新增軟件環境
      Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP1 (64位)
      Windows 7 Professional Edition SP1 (64位)
      Microsoft Office 2010
    2. 新增CENTUM VP R5.01通用IT安全工具
      用戶可以從標準或原有型號選擇適合的安全級别。這些IT安全級别在橫河電機系統產品中通用,並且使Exapilot與CENTUM VP具有相同的IT安全性。(Exapilot R3.90的IT安全工具與CENUM VP R5.01的相同。)
    R3.80 (2010年9月)
    1. 新增自文檔化功能(可選)
      用戶可以將Exapilot的主程序設定(流程工作流、單元程序定義信息、系統信息和附加批注)導出為Microsoft Word文件。這樣用戶便可以更自由、更方便地使用Exapilot數據,如創建SOP和管理文檔。
    2. 強化組態畫面功能
    R3.70 (2009年12月)
    1. 新增支持Windows Server 2008和Windows Vista Business Edition SP2
    2. 增強IT安全性
    3. 新增操作員錯誤預防功能
    R3.60.10 (2009年5月)
    1. 子流程在線維護
    2. 新增支持Windows Vista Business Edition SP2
      附加ActiveX組件信息畫面組件2,在Windows Vista中顯示CENTUM VP HIS圖形
    R3.60 (2008年8月
    1. 新增支持CENTUM VP R4.01
    2. 新增矩陣搜索單元程序
    3. 改善組態畫面功能、操作性更好
    4. 新增支持Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition SP1
    R3.50 (2007年11月)
    1. 新增在組態畫面主程序顯示批注和拷貝功能
    2. 新增連接單元程序的搜索功能
    3. 新增組態畫面的智能鼠標功能
    4. 新增支持夏時制
    5. 新增Active-X組件、MS-Excel連接單元程序、Microsoft Excel 2007 MS-Excel插件
    R3.40 (2006年2月)
    1. 新增繼承用戶原有程序模組
    2. 新增矩陣變量
    3. 改善參數聲明單元程序功能
    4. 實現從其他機器訪問本地變量
    5. 採用OPC服務器/緩衝讀取方法
    6. 新增ActiveX組件和MS-Excel附加組件,用戶可以在工具欄創建應用程序圖標。
    7. 新增ActiveX組件(簡易趨勢/圖表、數據輸入功能、網格排序&上色組件、按鈕同步執行組件、通製監視區域變量進行區域監視的功能)
    R3.30 (2005年1月)
    1. 強化操作和組態畫面
    2. 強化實用性功能
    3. 兼容TSE (遠程操作)功能
    4. 強化先進報警功能可選項
    5. 新增MS-Excel鏈接單元程序可選項
    6. 新增ActiveX組件
    R3.20 (2004年1月)
    1. 新增ActiveX組件和MS-Excel插件
    2. 新增單元程序(回歸計算)
    3. 新增單元程序可選項(VB腳本單元和e-mail通信)
    4. 強化單元程序功能(確認信息、案例判斷、區域判斷、強化搜索和替換)
    5. 新增符合21 CFR Part11標準的檢查證據功能
    6. 新增安全功能
    7. 新增Exaopc OPC服務器冗餘功能
    R3.01 (2003年3月)
    1. 新增支持Windows XP
    2. 強化先進報警功能
    3. 新增標準和可選的單元程序


    R2.20 (2002年11月)
    1. 新增動態信息、動態署名和帶超鏈接的文本框功能
    2. 新增先進報警功能可選項
    R2.10 (2002年4月)
    1. Exapilot軟件包更名為專業、標準、辦公,並用於HIS。
    2. 新增擴展和多運行可選項
    3. 新增事件等待、信息窗口、看門狗定時器和圖形特性
    R2.01 (2001年5月)
    1. 新增支持Windows 2000


    R1.10 (2001年2月)
    1. 強化安全、多OPC服務器連接、曆史報告、工序流程打印、DCS位號存在檢查功能
    R1.03 (2000年1月)
    1. 產品系列中新增Exapilot Lite和Super Lite
    R0 (2000年1月)
    1. 發布適用於Windows NT的Exapilot操作效率改善軟件包



    Samsung Petrochemical Co. Ltd. (SPCL), a major Korean petrochemical company, produces 700,000 tons per year of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) at its Daesan plant. PTA, a white powder substance that is produced by oxidizing and refining para-xylene, is a precursor to polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a polyester material that has excellent thermal resistance and wear resistance and is widely used as a substitute for natural cotton fibers and in film packaging, beverage bottles, tire cords, paints, adhesives, and other applications.


    ADNOC Gas selected Yokogawa's Exapilot modular procedural automation for safe and efficient operation.
    MPA based on the company's expertise is a step toward digitalization plant operation.


    INPEX Corporation (INPEX) is Japan's biggest oil and gas development company and is involved in all aspects of this business, from research to exploration, production, and sales. INPEX is engaged in projects all over the world, in a total of 29 countries, including Japan, where it operates a gas production plant near Oyazawa, a town in Niigata prefecture.

    • Exapilot was built up as e-SOP system based on the standard operating procedures and the know-how of experienced operators.
    • e-SOP system improved the quality and productivity in the performance chemical plant in China.
    • Based on a careful review of all operational procedures and operator roles and configured new SOPs in Exapilot.
    • As a result, SFC has been able to reduce operator workload, improve product quality, and reduce production losses.
    • At the company's Ulsan resin plant, six Exaquantum servers were connected to CENTUM CS 3000 and other vendor's systems.
    • KKPC needed to expand its SBC capabilities and improve production efficiency at its plants.
    • Exapilot contributes to safety, reduces cost, and retains operational know-how.
    • Configuration of complicated procedures in Exapilot leads to operational excellence.
    • DENKA wanted to standardize the operation, reduce workload and prevent operator errors.
    • Up to 90% of all manual tasks can now be carried out automatically.
    • Increasing productivity by means of partially automated start-up and load change procedures.
    • Exapilot improves operations and reduces energy use at PTT Khanom Gas Separation Plant #4.
    • This is a real solution package and a good tool for the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle to achieve operational excellence in the plant.
    • Exapilot is Effectively Applied to Polypropylene Plant and Optimizes Operation, Cost Savings.
    • By using Yokogawa's Exapilot, Safripol were able to eliminate product variations and kept the operations consistent.
    • Kaneka Corporation has urgently needed to implement countermeasures that would reduce this facility's energy costs.
    • Optimization of control strategy helps BTG plant save energy and operate more efficiently.
    • Exapilot was introduced to maximize operational efficiency at an experimental refining facility.
    • To prevent operator errors, it was essential to standardize operating procedures.

    This paper shows how to improve distillation operations by focusing on procedure automation. It will review the importance of using procedures in distillation operations and highlights the collaboration work underway between Fractionation Research Inc. (FRI) and Yokogawa Corporation to improve procedural operations.


    Operational error is the single biggest reason for unscheduled shutdowns in process plants, causing several millions of dollars in damages and losses per year. Combine this with an aging skilled workforce leaving the work place, with inexperienced people to replace them, and there is no doubt that process plants face a challenging problem.


    Yokogawa has come a long way in making its message clear to the world of process automation. Last year, the company embarked on a full-scale global marketing campaign to make customers aware of the company's focus on system reliability, security, dependability, and robustness. Dubbed "Vigilance", the campaign created a unified message for the company and greatly helped expand awareness of the Yokogawa brand and corporate philosophy.


    The world of process automation is governed by procedures. While we like to refer to the process industries as being largely "continuous", this could not be further from the truth. Process manufacturing is constantly in flux.


    Large process industry companies have recently started building plants with world-class safety and profitability to reinforce their competitive edge in the global market. As for plant operations, support functions for improving operators' plant operation skills and for extending operators' maximum capability are required to the DCS so that an operator can expand the area of plant monitoring or operate a plant with higher cost- consciousness.


    In 1999, Yokogawa Electric Corporation formed an alliance with Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (SGSI) in Advanced Process Control (APC), and both companies have since jointly developed products. This alliance successfully combined SGSI's experience gained through more than 800 projects in more than 30 years and Yokogawa's great deal of experience with the process control market, and strengthened the scheme to provide the APC technology.


    In recent years, safety and profitability have become ever more important in the process industry due to fierce global competition. Greater emphasis is being placed on highly efficient plant operation for reducing the increasing energy bill.


    Recently, standardization of procedural automation of manual operations has been promoted mainly by the International Society of Automation (ISA), and the functional requirements necessary for automation are being studied by the ISA106 committee in the US.


    For a coal fired power generation plant (hereafter referred to as "BTG facilities," in which "BTG" stands for boiler, steam turbine, and generator) supplying power to a large-scale production plant, the CO2 emissions from such facilities are a critical issue today.


    Remarkable progress in information technology has led to open architecture systems and networking in the manufacturing industry. In such industry, remote monitoring systems based on public communication lines or the Internet, and or collaboration of control, information, and corporate systems based on standardized interfaces such as OLE for Process Control (OPC) are now widely used via networks.


    Due to emerging competitors from the rapidly growing countries such as India and China and the global economic downturn triggered by the Lehman shock, many companies in the process industries are struggling to survive the severe global competition.


    July 2011

    Process plants are run according to operational procedures. These procedures consist of a set of tasks that are executed in a consistent manner to achieve a specific objective, such as starting up, shutting down or transitioning a unit as part of making a product. 


    Process plants require operational procedures in order to produce products. These procedures consist of a set of tasks that are executed in a consistent manner to achieve a specific objective such as starting up or shutting down, or transitioning to a different product. The level of detail, purpose and frequency of use of these procedures varies by process, company and site—but in all cases these procedures should be the basis for plant operations.


    ARC believes that by implementing procedural automation, many process plants can minimize variability to help ensure smooth, efficient, and safe state transitions.


    Manual operations live on and even thrive in largely automated process plants, and they are often the cause of safety incidents.

    By Maurice Wilkins, VP Strategic Technology Marketing Center, Yokogawa Corporation of America
    Marcus Tennant, Senior Principal Technology Strategist, Yokogawa Corporation of America



