When ordering pre-installed modules for the SMARTDAC+ GX/GP series recorder, what modules are installed in which slots upon shipment from the factory?

For the GX20/GP20:
Analog input modules are installed in slots 0-4. Digital input and output modules are installed in slots 5-9. If ordering both digital input and output modules, the input modules are installed first (in the smallest-numbered slots), followed by the output modules.

For the GX10/GP10:
Modules are installed in the following order of priority, starting with the smallest-numbered slots: Analog input modules > Digital input modules > Digital output modules.


  • 触屏式GP10/GP20

    SMARTDAC + TM GP10 / GP20是一款无纸记录仪,提供直观以人为本的设计,基于Web的功能和可扩展的体系结构。

  • 触屏式GX10/GX20

    SMARTDAC+TM GX10/GX20 是一款多点触屏记录仪,提供直观以人为本的设计,支持Web功能,具有可扩展的体系结构。


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