
- 原水水质管理
- 生氯注入前馈控制
估算氯的消耗和注入的总量,以确保水质安全和良好口感。 - 凝结控制
- 自动喷粉控制
- 操作效率改善软件包:Exapilot
- 事件分析软件包:Exaplog
- 工厂信息管理系统:Exaquantum
- 工厂资源管理器:PRM
- SCADA:Fast/Tools
- PLC和RTU:Stardom、FA-M3
- SIS:ProSafe-RS
- 无纸记录仪:GX10/GX20、GP10/GP20、DL850E/DL850EV、XL120
- 数据采集设备:SMARTDAC+ GX/GP系列、Daqstation系列
- 温控器:UT系列温控器
- 数字指示控制器:UP系列程序控制器、带报警的UM系列数字指示器
- 单回路控制器:YS1000系列、YS80系列
- 太阳能跟踪控制器:HXS10-SolStation
- 现场无线多功能模块:FN510
- 现场无线多协议模块:FN310
- 无线差压/压力变送器:EJX B系列
- 无线温度变送器:YTA510
- 多点输入温度变送器:YTMX580
- 无纸记录仪无线型:GX20W
- 现场无线管理站:YFGW410
- 现场无线接入点:YFGW510
- 现场无线媒体转换器:YFGW610
- 现场无线集成网关:YFGW710
- 通用设备管理工具:FieldMate
- 压力:EJX、EJA系列
- 电磁流量计:ADMAG系列
- 涡街流量计:数字YEWFLO系列
- 科里奥利质量流量计:ROTAMASS 3系列
- 超声波流量计:US300PM、US300FM
- 温度:YTA系列
- 液位变送器:EJX、EJA系列
- 雷达液位计:PULS60Y系列
- 导波雷达液位计:FLEX80Y系列
- 超声波液位计:SON60Y系列
- pH/ORP分析仪:PH450G、FLXA202、FLXA21、PH202、SENCOM系列
- 电导率分析仪:SC450G、DC402G、FLXA202、FLXA21、SC202、ISC450G、ISC202
- 浊度分析仪:TB750G、TB400G
- 溶解氧分析仪:DO402G、FLXA202、FLXA21、DO202
- 氯分析仪:FC400G、FC500G、RC400G
- MLSS分析仪:SS400
- 液体密度分析仪:DM8
- More than 1,000 field devices designed to the PROFIBUS specifications installed in the state-of-the-art water reclamation plant.
- The high reliability and accuracy of our field devices contributes to the minimization of maintenance costs over the entire plant lifecycle.
- The aging DCS system was replaced with an integrated control system for all processes at the Siheung water treatment plant.
- Powerful Modbus communication function of STARDOM enables integration with the existing HMI via the OPC gateway.
- To bring the customer a real-time monitoring and management capability, Yokogawa installed STARDOM (FCJ), flow meters, and transmitters at key points throughout the distribution network.
- The STARDOM FCJ controllers achieved an accurate water loss management system while keeping the running costs to a minimum.
- 巴里岛的水处理厂决定采用新的、可靠的控制系统,以增加可用性、提高运行质量。
- 使用FAST/TOOLS集中控制系统提供复杂且灵活的操作。
STARDOM field control node (FCN) autonomous controllers allow both Modbus master and slave functions to run simultaneously.
The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.
What is screen differential control? This is a control application commonly found at utility plants located on rivers, lakes and other large bodies of water and at industrial facilities where a large amount of cooling water is used. Screen differential control and monitoring is needed to prevent damage to rotating screens caused by excessive pressure being applied by debris collecting on the screens.
The ADMAG AXR is the world's first 2-wire magnetic flow meter which employs the unique "Dual Frequency Excitation Method," achieving 0.5% of rate of best-in-class accuracy and excellent stability for process measurement. In addition, the newly developed AXR key technologies," achieves the same level of noise immunity as 4-wire type under the fluid condition change and delivers enough performance to meet the requirement to apply in the control loop.
Wastewater from electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants contains toxic forms of hexavalent chromium such as chromate and dichromate. The hexavalent chromium in this wastewater must be reduced before the water can be discharged. This requires a two-step process: hexavalent chromium (CR6) is reduced to trivalent chromium (CR3); and CR3 is precipitated as chromium hydroxide.
Industry:Electrical and Electronics
In a batch tank, analyzers such as dissolved oxygen (DO) analyzers, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) meters, and mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) analyzers are used. To reduce the maintenance frequency, measures must be taken to prevent dirt accumulation on the sensor. As the liquid level in a tank can vary greatly, great care should be taken when selecting the sensor installation position in a tank.
Japan's Potable Water Quality Standard was fully revised in 2004, increasing the number of water quality standard items for which tests are required has increased to 50. As items necessary for water quality management, the authority has specified an additional 27 complementary parameters to set the targets for water quality management.
The discharge of improperly treated industrial chemicals and fuel gas can have a major impact on the environment, posing a serious threat to public health. Concurrent with the global growth of manufacturing operations to keep pace with market trends, many countries are taking measures to deal with environmental problems.
Cyanide-bearing wastewater from mining and electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants is toxic and must be treated by oxidation with chlorine or chloride to bring the cyanide concentration within regulatory limits.
Industry:Electrical and Electronics
Weir-type flow volume calculation using the M series Free Programmable MXS (or VJXS) Computing Units
Environmental data (water quality, amount of flow) is measured on-site and monitored from an office.
Data acquired on the SMARTDAC+ GM can be easily monitored through the company network, even from remote locations.
When used to measure the dissolved oxygen in an aeration tank, sensors tend to quickly become contaminated and need frequent cleaning.
Taking advantage of sensors already available in your system, you can simply add VJ series signal conditioners or the UM33A Digital Indicator with Alarms to easily build a monitoring system on a PC.
The detectors used to perform dissolved oxygen (DO) measurement in oxidation ditch type sewage treatment plants tend to become dirty quickly and require frequent cleaning.
The worlds of process automation and production management have been converging for some time. What once used to be islands of automation and production management functionality connected through highly proprietary integration schemes that were costly to maintain have developed into integrated platforms that provide seamless data exchange between the world of automation and the plant floor, the functions of production and operations management, and integration with business level systems.
From engineering to installation, commissioning, operations, and maintenance, FOUNDATION fieldbus offer significant cost reductions of 30 percent or more versus conventional analog systems. Many of these cost reductions come from the advanced functions that fieldbus offers versus analog technology.
The automation suppliers that will be successful in the long term will be those that effectively address application or industry specific problems for end users with a value proposition that cannot be ignored. These problems exist throughout the process industries today, and they won't be solved by simply offering a product, but through a combination of hardware, software, services, application expertise, and knowledge.
In ARC's view, customers need a compelling business value proposition to justify investment in any kind of automation. Vigilance and VigilantPlant were created with this in mind. Yokogawa's vision with VigilantPlant is to create an environment where plant personnel and operators are well informed, alert, and ready to take action.
Yokogawa has come a long way in making its message clear to the world of process automation. Last year, the company embarked on a full-scale global marketing campaign to make customers aware of the company's focus on system reliability, security, dependability, and robustness. Dubbed "Vigilance", the campaign created a unified message for the company and greatly helped expand awareness of the Yokogawa brand and corporate philosophy.
Process automation end users are under more pressure than ever to do more with less. The current economic climate means that many automation capital projects are on hold. With capital budgets tighter than ever, users instead focus on operational budgets (where cost cutting is also a key concern), or on automation investments with a very rapid return on investment.
In today's dynamic industrial marketplace, the only constant is change. Raw material costs, energy costs, market demands, environmental and safety regulations, technology, and even the nature of the labor force itself are constantly changing, and not always in predictable directions.
- 横河电机水行业成功案例 (12.7 MB)
- SENCOM 4.0 水处理行业解决方案 (6.7 MB)
- Differential Pressure Level Solutions (8.0 MB)
新闻 2018年7月27日 横河电机赢得印度拉贾斯坦邦上下水管道的中央信息管理系统的订单