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GM10適用於工業和實驗室應用,藍牙無線連接和模組化I / O功能,提供準確可靠的測量。
JUXTA M Series Computing Units
M Series computing units include a type that supports user-specified programs, and types that support analog memory, peak/bottom holders, moving averages, dead times, temperature/pressure compensation, and a wide range of other applications.
JUXTA M Series for Unified Signals
M Series unified signal converters are plug-in type signal conditioners for common instrumentation signals. They have an I/O signal range of 4 to 20 mA DC or 1 to 5 V DC.
JUXTA M Series Signal Conditioners
M Series signal conditioners are a plug-in type that can support a wide range of applications through a versatile I/O specifications. Plug-in type construction provides easy for instrumentation planning, field wiring and maintenance. Over 30 types of signal conditioners are lined up in M Series.
JUXTA VJ Series Computing Units
The VJ Series are compact, but the line-up includes versatile I/O specifications, wide-range of power supply, isolated two outputs and field configurable models.
JUXTA VJ Series Limit Alarms
The VJ series limit alarms are compact, plug-in type alarm setting devices with easy-to-use functions. Four models are available: the VJAK for 2-wire system transmitters; the VJHK with DC voltage/DC current inputs; the VJRK with RTD inputs; the VJTK with thermocouple inputs; and the VJUK with universal inputs.
JUXTA VJ Series Signal Conditioners
Compact size, plug-in style and microprocessor based high performance capabilities (Multi-function types) makes the VJ Series Signal Conditioners an excellent choice for almost every application. Analog output, Hi-Low alarm relay outputs or RS-485 MODBUS communication is available as optional second output.
UP55A是一款新發布的1/4 DIN尺寸可編程控制器,可以提供多達30種程序模式,並且可以同時監測8個PV事件、16個時間事件和8個報警。同時,標配還包括梯形圖順控功能。
µR10000 & µR20000
使用最新技術實現高可靠性、高品質、和出色的操作性能。 µR10000 & µR20000使用寬度為100和180毫米的記錄紙,具有網絡功能等多種功能。
可選配SD卡插槽。 -
DX1000N 在前定面板有可拆卸底盤,可以輕鬆維護DX1000N的內部組件。
按鈕操作 DX1000/DX2000
Daqstation DX1000 / 2000系列是配備顯示螢幕的資料收集系統。 HMI支援產業應用的客製化圖表,稽核追蹤和安全性符合FDA 21CFR Part 11。
觸控螢幕 GP10/GP20
SMARTDAC+TM GP10/GP20 是一款無紙記錄器,提供直覺,人性化設計,支援網路功能和可擴充的架構。
觸控螢幕 GX10/GX20
SMARTDAC+TM GX10/GX20是多點觸控式記錄器,提供直觀,人性化設計,支援網路功能和可擴充的架構。