Yokogawa’s life business segment provides solutions that support people’s lives and protect health and safety. In addition to our activities in the pharmaceutical and healthcare fields, we are engaged in businesses that ensure everyone has access to safe food and water. To improve productivity throughout the pharmaceutical and food value chains, we utilize our sensing and control technologies to support innovations in products and the production process. In the water industry, we aim to create new value by using the measurement technologies that Yokogawa employs in other fields such as genome analysis and scientific instrumentation.
Business Overview
Strategic Direction and Business Domain
- Strategic Direction
Our life business segment focuses on the pharmaceutical, healthcare, food, and water industries for the enhancement of well-being. Our business vision: “We will lead the world in advancing Bio Industrial Autonomy (BIA) and contribute to a future embracing global harmony.” By using BIA, workloads are reduced, allowing researchers and operators to focus on higher-level research and production site optimization. Taking advantage of Yokogawa’s strengths in measurement, imaging, analysis, diagnosis, integration, and connection, we offer viable solutions to our customers and help them acquire new knowledge and innovate.
- Business Domain
Our business domain encompasses the entire value chain for the pharmaceutical, healthcare, food & beverage, and water industries, from research, development, and production to logistics & services.
Initiatives for the Growth for Sustainability 2028 (GS2028) Medium-term Business Plan
In the Life business, we will prioritize strengthening our overseas sales capabilities and accelerating the development of new products and solutions for the life science, bio-process, and production solutions (pharmaceuticals, food and beverage) business areas. We will grow our business by increasing the number of industry experts in each region and strengthening collaboration between the Life business global headquarters and each region. We will also expand our lineup of products and solutions in new areas, such as the rapidly growing biopharmaceuticals and regenerative medicine fields.
We will always strive to work closely with our customers to solve whatever issues they face, and aim to achieve the objectives of GS2028 while supporting the health and prosperity of all.
Contributions to the SDGs
Yokogawa is pursuing the “Three goals” for sustainability based on a vision for society in the year 2050. For the enhancement of well-being, which is one of these goals, our life business focuses on the pharmaceutical, healthcare, water, and food industries. A number of our products have recently been used in research on COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutic agents. We will continue to expand the activities of the life business, which has a direct bearing on broad issues such as aging, the depletion of resources, and food and water shortages.
Areas where the life business contributes, and related SDGs, targeting the year 2030
Contributions in the Fight against the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
New drugs and vaccines are being developed around the world to end the COVID-19 pandemic. We are contributing to the research and development of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutic drugs at universities and research facilities around the world through the offering of the CellVoyager series of high-content screening systems.
The University of Michigan has developed a method for drug screening that uses AI to analyze the morphological profiles of cells using microscopic images. The CellVoyager CQ1 high-content analysis system, equipped with Yokogawa’s s advanced imaging technology, is being used to capture these images. In 2020, with an urgent need for a treatment method of COVID-19, 1,425 FDA-approved compounds were screened by the CQ1 system for drug repurposing*1, and several compounds with antiviral effects were identified. The study has already been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS). As research progresses, it is expected that the elucidation of the mechanism of action of drugs*2 will advance and that the diversion of existing drugs will be efficiently promoted.
We will continue to work with our customers and business partners to find solutions that will aid in the fight against COVID-19.
*1 Drug repurposing: Using a known drug’s effects and side effects to explore applications in other diseases
*2 Mechanism of action: How a drug exerts a therapeutic effect
Related Industries
Food & Beverage
At Yokogawa, we understand that today’s food and beverage companies face unprecedented challenges in climate change, consumer demand, and increased global competitiveness. Overcoming these challenges will require innovative solutions that focus on key areas of production, asset management, and food safety and quality.
Pharmaceutical companies must achieve increased flexibility and agility through better use and monitoring of manufacturing data to improve quality management in real time. Pharmaceutical experts work with Yokogawa to create manufacturing solutions that deliver safe and reliable medicines. Together, we use digital transformation and manufacturing advances to meet regulatory requirements, ensure quality, accelerate time to market, and thus providing a stable and reliable supply of medicine to patient.
Related Products & Solutions
Life Science
Yokogawa’s high content analysis systems and dual spinning disk confocal technologies provide high-speed and high-resolution live cell imaging, enabling leading-edge research around the world.