对于任何电导率值,无论是在漂洗水中还是在浓酸中测量,其精度均为读数的0.5%加上0.5 μS/cm。结构材料能够确保在恶劣工况下较长的寿命。
耐腐蚀/耐磨的PEEK (聚醚醚酮)在所有溶液(氟酸或氧化浓酸除外)中都具有出色的耐化学性。耐化学性的理想材料是PFA (特氟龙),用于氢氟酸和氧化浓酸(硝酸、硫酸、发烟硫酸)。
ISC40G和ISC40采用PEEK (传感器类型GG),用于一般用途。在样品对工程塑料具有腐蚀性的应用中,我们提供特氟龙材质的传感器(传感器类型TG)。
- 用于消除结垢和极化误差的感应电导技术。
- 宽口径传感器,可实现长期稳定性。
- 使用各种支架和通用隔板结构,安装灵活。
- 电导率为(1 μS/cm~2 S/cm)和温度为(-20~130ºC)时具有宽广的可调范围。
- 电极严重结垢会影响使用接触式电极的所有应用。
- 适用于除(超)纯水应用以外的所有范围。
- 在所有含泥浆或浆料的应用中,传统系统会被堵塞或侵蚀。
- 可选择多种结构材料。
- 所有电极高度标准化。
- 传感器便于安装、维护、拆卸和更换。
- 电解抛光不锈钢设计,具有出色的耐腐蚀性。
- 可提供法兰适配器。
在线测量通常会面临额外的挑战,特别是需要进行日常维护时。PR10非常适用于需要移除传感器但又不能中断或停车的过程应用场合。无需任何特殊工具即可在高达5 bar (72 psi)的压力下将PR10从生产过程中安全收回。PR10是一种通用的可伸缩组件,可用于测量所有液体。PR10可接受任何PG13.5接口的市售pH/ORP或溶解氧传感器,同时仍与旧款横河电机电极向后兼容。
- 用于pH/ORP、溶解氧、电导率和感应电导率传感器的型号
- 所有市售pH电极都可以安装在PR10中,如PG13.5、SMART传感器、VarioPin、YEF和DIN接头。
- 一体型保护笼
- 每个组件都内置一个“刮刀”,以便PR10的轴身从过程中缩回时将过程介质有效地刮擦清除干净。
- “通过阀门”的插入和收回设计,非常安全
- 通过带法兰或锥形接口的可选球阀简化安装
- 可选的冲洗口附件可轻松保持传感器的湿润(pH值)和清洁,并且如果需要还可以进行标定。
238934 | 100 µS/cm Solution |
238985 | 147 µS/cm Solution |
238929 | 706 µS/cm Solution |
238986 | 1413 µS/cm Solution |
238988 | 12880 µS/cm Solution |
238935 | 100 mS/cm Solution |
To defray energy costs, many industrial plants have their own boilers to generate steam in order to produce a portion of their energy needs. In addition to generating power, the steam may also be used directly in plant processes or indirectly via heat exchangers or steam jacketed vessels.
Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.
To technology in iron & steel industry is continuously improved to obtain the best possible performance. The improved plant performance gives rise to the higher quality improvement and lower cost, and simultaneously environmental friendly plant operation.
Process liquid analyzers such as pH meters, conductivity meters, ORP meters, and density meters play an important role at electrolysis plants in the control of concentrations of various process solutions. This requires both precision and stability under harsh conditions that include highly corrosive substances, high temperatures, and many impurities.
Control of sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration at a salt dissolver where solid salt is dissolved in water, is highly important because of the electrolysis efficiency. A conventional way of measuring the concentration of supersaturated NaCl solution had been performed by using non-contact type sensors (e.g., γ-ray density meter) since NaCl, impurities, and precipitates are in the solution.
In a semiconductor plant, a variety of chemicals are used in various manufacturing processes. The chemicals used for specific purposes are produced by diluting raw liquid with demineralized water using in diluting equipment, and the control of the concentration at this point is performed by conductivity measurement.
Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. The improved plant performance translates to the higher quality improvement and lower cost, and simultaneously environmental friendly plant operation.
In the past, the boiler feed tank systems in sugar factories had to be checked several times a day to make sure there were no sugar solution leaks. This was a very laborious process and, as continuous monitoring was not possible, monitoring results were not reliable. When a leak occurred, recovery operations were very costly and time-consuming. (AN10D01K01-02E)
In the manufacturing process of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food & Beverage industries, the cleaning and sterilization of tanks and piping are done with various cleaning solutions, fresh or hot water and steam after manufacturing products. Clean-In-Place (CIP) is the system designed for automatic cleaning and disinfecting.
- ISC40#J Inductive Conductivity Detectors,ISC40F#J Holders, Adapter,BA20 Terminal Box,WF10J Extension Cable (2.3 MB)
- Model ISC40G(S), Sensors for Inductive Conductivity Measurement
- Model ISC40FF, ISC40FS, ISC40FD sensor fittiing
- PH8E*P, OR8E*G, PH10*P, WU41, SC8SG, SC210G, SC4AJ, ISC40GJ, SA405 etc. Protection of Environment (Use in China) (142 KB)
- EU_UK Declaration of Conformity ISC40G_ISC40S 2022-10-03 (202 KB)
- FLXA21 with ISC40S RINA type approval ELE482021CS/001 (621 KB)
- ATEX ISC40 11ATEX0063X-Issue 1
- IECEx for ISC40 DEK 11.0028X-Issue 0
- FM certificate of conformity FM21US0083X (328 KB)
- CAN/CSA certificate of confirmity FM22CA0012X (309 KB)
- IECEx for ISC40 DEK 11.0028X-Issue 1 (486 KB)
- EAC certificate for sensors (1.8 MB)
- ATEX ISC40 11ATEX0063X Issue 2 (2.3 MB)
- Inductive Conductivity Sensor ISC40#J (291 KB)
- Flow-Through Type Holder ISC40FFJ-P#,ISC40FFJ-F# (35 KB)
- Inductive Conductivity System Flow-through Type Holder with Flange ISC40FFJ-P#/F##,ISC40FFJ-F#/F## (38 KB)
- Flow-Through Type Holder ISC40FFJ-SJ/FSJ2,ISC40FFJ-SA/FS2 (39 KB)
- Flow-Through Type Holder ISC40FFJ-S# (37 KB)
- Inductive Conductivity System Immersion Type Holder ISC40FDJ (67 KB)
- Direct Insertion Adapter IDF 3 inch Clamp ISC40FSJ-STWJ (28 KB)
- Inductive Conductivity Metering System Sensor Adapter (Welded type) ISC40FSJ-SCWJ (30 KB)
- Sensor Adapter (Screw-in type) ISC40FSJ-SCSJ,ISC40FSJ-PCSJ,ISC40FSJ-FCSJ (30 KB)