- 最高48通道输入
- 可批量开始/停止记录并创建数据文件
- MW100自动连接功能可扩展至348通道
- 内存增加至400 MB
- 启用对测量值校正调度的控制[R4]
- 自动创建基于模板的Excel电子表格[R4]
- 使用自定义显示功能按自定义方式显示画面布局。
- 使用日期和时间日历搜索功能查看历史数据
- 标准以太网接口
- 支持PROFIBUS-DP和EtherNet/IP协议
- 扩展的WEB和网络功能
- 符合21 CFR Part 11条款,带安全增强功能选项[R4]
- 防尘防溅前面板(IP65,符合NEMA4)
- 带纠错功能的高可靠性内部存储器
- 前面板门锁和登录功能
DAQManager DX250 (单独销售)
* DAQManager不支持带安全增强功能选项(/AS1)的型号。
- 索引可快速搜索
- 各种图表
- 轻松加载/导入数据
- 数据自动合并
DAQStudio DXA170 (单独销售)
- 发送/接收自定义显示屏幕中对象的布局数据(通过以太网或CF卡)
- 显示自定义显示画面、构建新画面以及编辑现有画面
- 保存/加载设置和编辑的数据文件
DAQWORX (单独销售)
- 可以集成记录仪、控制器和测量仪表。
- 充分发挥每种产品的优势
- DAQ32Plus (用于Darwin系列)
- DataBrowser
数据记录软件GA10 (单独销售)
【Support Information】List of Verified USB Barcode Reader
The USB barcode reader of the following manufacturers have been verified for use with the SMARTDAC+ GX/GP series, DXAdvanced series. However, please note that Yokogawa does not guarantee normal operation of the USB barcode reader when using with products listed below.
【Support Information】List of Verified Compact Flash Cards (CF Cards)
The CF cards of the following manufacturers have been verified for use with the Daqstation series and the FX1000. However, please note that Yokogawa does not guarantee normal operation of the CF card when using with products listed below.
【Support Information】List of RoHS
This is a list of recorder and controller products that support the RoHS (2011/65/EU) directive.
【Support Information】Display Language Support List for Recorders
List of languages that can be set for each model.
The Japan Steel Works, LTD., Muroran Plant uses the Control and Measurement Station CX2000, UP series program controllers, and UT series digital indicating controllers for operation of its heat treating furnaces.
Kyushu Mitsui Aluminium uses the UPM100 Power Monitor for its overall factory operations, and the DX1000 Paperless Recorder for its high-purity aluminum refining furnaces.
Kyoto Tower Corporation uses the DX2000 Paperless Recorder to record and monitor wind speed and direction
Air particle counters are used for air climate control monitoring in semiconductor and medical clean rooms. DXAdvanced can acquire the cleanliness factor data measured by the particle counter via communication, and display and record it without degradation of accuracy.
You can have the same "look and feel" of a chart recorder on DXAdvanced series paperless recorders (hereinafter, DXAdvanced), by using the Scale, Alarm Mark, Trend Span Margin, and other display functions.
You can measure and monitor integral flow (total and excess flow). You can also calculate the flow integral and excess usage with computation functions, and generate reports with the Report function. With the Excel template function, you can create templates in a desired report format for creating reports automatically.
Data critical for quality control in aluminum casting is monitored and recorded by the DX1000/DX2000. Various kinds of data from a holding furnace are batch recorded, and data during occurrence of alarms is recorded separately.
Milk should be processed within 4 to 6 hours of production to make it fit for human consumption. Temperature is a very important parameter which has to be monitored at different stages of milk processing.
Many messages can be output even with a limited number of remote inputs by combining the remote input, computation, alarm, and event action functions.
To technology in iron & steel industry is continuously improved to obtain the best possible performance. The improved plant performance gives rise to the higher quality improvement and lower cost, and simultaneously environmental friendly plant operation.
The paperless recorder DX series instruments allow you to determine temperature and humidity, and manage the results as manufacturing and quality data at a reasonable cost with a simple configuration.
- Daqstation DX2000 Operation Guide (4.5 MB)
- DXA120 DAQSTANDARD DX-P Hardware Configurator (1.4 MB)
- Daqstation DX2000 User's Manual (6.0 MB)
- DXA120 DAQSTANDARD Hardware Configurator User's Manaul (9.4 MB)
- Daqstation DX1000/DX1000N User's Manual (3.9 MB)
- DXA120 DAQSTANDARD Viewer User's Manual (2.2 MB)
- Daqstation DX1000/DX1000N Operation Guide (3.0 MB)
- Standard Accessories for DXAdvanced Series (975 KB)
- DX1000/DX1000N/DX2000 PLC Communication Protocol Communincation Interface User's Manual (489 KB)
- DXA170 DAQStudio User's Manual (4.8 MB)
- DX1000/DX1000N/DX2000 Custom Display User's Manual (1.6 MB)
- DX1000/DX1000N/DX2000 Multi Batch FUnction (/BT2) User's Manual (460 KB)
- DX1000/DX1000N/DX2000 PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface User's Manual (396 KB)
- DXA250 DAQManager Operation Guide (2.3 MB)
- DXA250 DAQManager User's Manual (8.2 MB)
- DX1000/DX1000N/DX2000 Advanced Security Function (/AS1) User's Manual (925 KB)
- Remote Control Terminal (326 KB)
- WX104 DAQEXPLORER User's Manual (6.5 MB)
- DAQManager Data Management Software for Paperless Recorders (3.3 MB)
- List of the US Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Compliant Recorder and Controller Products (175 KB)
- Daqstation DXAdvanced DX1000 (2.4 MB)
- 415920, 415921 and 415922 Shunt Resistor for Screw Input Terminal (240 KB)
- Daqstation DXAdvanced DX2000 (2.3 MB)
- 438920, 438921 and 438922 Shunt Resistor for Clamp Input Terminal (252 KB)
- List of RoHS (2011/65/EU) Directive Compliant Products (6-substances RoHS compliant products) (356 KB)
- New Legislative Framework (NLF) Conforming Products (362 KB)
- Universal Viewer *Log-in Required
- DAQStudio (DXA170) Revision Upgrade *Log-in Required
- PLC Communication Protocol Profile (EDS file) for DXAdvanced R3/R4 *Log-in Required
- DAQWORX Data Acqusition Software Suite *Log-in Required
- PLC Communication Protocol Profile (EDS file) for DXAdvanced R3/R4 (For connecting OMRON's PLCs) *Log-in Required
- DAQManager (DXA250) Release Upgrade *Log-in Required
- DAQSTANDARD (DXA120) Revision Upgrade *Log-in Required
- Display Language Support List for Recorders (199 KB)
- DAQSTATION DXAdvanced Advanced Security Functions White Paper for FDA 21 CFR Part 11 (442 KB)
- Recorders, Data Loggers, and Control Products Security Standard (488 KB)
- DAQSTATION DXAdvanced (DX1000/DX2000) Functions Overview (964 KB)
- Daqstation DX/DXAdvanced Setup File Conversion Tool Operation Guide (378 KB)
- Daqstation DX Report Simulator Operation Guide (393 KB)
- DAQSTATION DXAdvanced DX1000 (481 KB)