What is the meaning of "Holding Register" of Modbus configuration area? What kind of device is this register used for?

The "Modbus Setting" menu in the YFGW410 has three tabs, "Modbus Settings", "Input Registers", and "Holding Registers".

The holding register area (registers 4xxxx) is used only for devices with output values such as the FN510 which as a digital output function.  Devices such as YTA510 temperature transmitter, EJXB series pressure transmitters,   FN310 protocol converter and YTMX580 multi input temperature transmitter do not have any outputs and do not use the holding  registers.

The first screenshot below shows the "Holding Register" tab in the YFGW410 web configurator.   The devices listed do not have outputs so there are no available parameters shown.  

The second screenshot shows the "Input Register" tab (3xxxx registers) parameter assigment areas with the AI for and EJX populated in 30522/30533. 




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