Las empresas productoras de petroquímicos, productos inorgánicos o productos intermedios se encuentran bajo una presión constante para equilibrar los costos y los márgenes al suministrar productos a sus clientes de manera oportuna y eficiente, manteniendo al mismo tiempo operaciones seguras y conformes con la normativa. Además, las empresas químicas tienen que adaptarse a la constante fluctuación de los precios de los insumos y la energía y tener la capacidad de proveer al mercado la combinación de productos más rentable.
Yokogawa ha estado sirviendo al mercado de productos químicos a granel globalmente y ha obtenido reconocimiento como líder en este mercado. Con productos, soluciones y especialización en la industria, Yokogawa entiende su mercado y las necesidades de producción y trabajará con usted para proporcionarle una solución confiable y rentable durante el ciclo de vida de su planta.
Yokogawa es el proveedor líder de automatización para la industria de amoniaco y de metanol.
The rigorous demands of Chlor-alkali production require accurate, reliable instrumentation that provides all required measurements.
The increasing demand for petrochemical goods, coupled with the quest for cleaner energy sources, contributes to the surge in methanol demand.
El reto de los clientes
La industria química es altamente especializada, en cuyas plantas se manufacturan productos intermedios a partir de materia prima que, a su vez, son utilizados por otras plantas como insumos para la manufactura de productos más avanzados. Toda compañía de productos químicos necesita considerar detenidamente su posicionamiento en un mercado altamente competitivo.
Nuestras soluciones

Los productos químicos básicos normalmente se producen por medio de un proceso continuo que requiere un sistema de control altamente confiable y robusto. También aquí, el sistema integrado de control de la producción CENTUM VP es la solución ideal que hace posible un entorno de operación cómodo, que responde a los requerimientos del proceso y proporciona un entorno de acción cómodo con un control de procesos estable. La herramienta de navegación en línea Exapilot ofrece a los operadores un sólido apoyo para la ejecución confiable de operaciones no rutinarias, como el cierre y el arranque.
Tecnología instrumental

Sistema de control de la producción: CENTUM VP
La base de datos única del sistema integrado de control y seguridad (ICSS) simplifica la ingeniería.Al contar con gráficas, ventanas de alarmas y pantallas de estado del sistema que comparten el mismo aspecto y estilo, la operación es más fácil también.

Sistema instrumentado de seguridad: Prosafe‐RS
Yokogawa ofrece una gama completa de sistemas instrumentados de seguridad, desde las opciones de estado sólido y cableado permanente, hasta DCS‐SIS totalmente integradas, que abarcan todos los niveles de integridad de la seguridad (SIL 1 al 4) para la industria química.

Mejora de la eficiencia de la operación: Exapilot
Exapilot es una herramienta de navegación en línea que guía paso a paso a los operadores a través de los procedimientos operativos de la planta.
Al emplear Exapilot, los procedimientos operativos estándar (o SOP) se crean siguiendo un método uniforme. Los SOP mejoran la eficiencia y reducen el costo total de propiedad al minimizar o eliminar los errores humanos.

Los sistemas analíticos con gran capacidad de respuesta contribuyen a una medición precisa de la propiedad de producto/intermedio, ayudando a las compañías químicas a cumplir normas más estrictas de control de calidad y ambientales.

Instrumentos de campo
Los instrumentos de campo digitales tipo "instalar y olvidar" proporcionan mediciones de procesos estables y precisas con un bajo costo de instalación, mantenimiento casi nulo e inteligencia de autodiagnóstico. Como líder genuino en la industria de automatización de procesos y sus tecnologías relacionadas, Yokogawa lanzó al mercado el primer dispositivo del mundo con capacidad FOUNDATION fieldbus™, y desde entonces ha desarrollado una gama completa de instrumentación de protocolos FOUNDATION fieldbus™, HART y Profibus, que se suman a los productos de comunicación inalámbrica que cumplen con la normativa ISA 100.11a.
ENEOS Materials successfully achieved the world's first long-term autonomous operation of a plant using Yokogawa's AI. FDKPP saves energy and reduces operator workload while maintaining manufacturing quality.
ADMAG AXG Magnetic Flowmeter Helps to Optimize Production Throughput and Reduce Energy Consumption in Chlor-Alkali Plant
El hidrógeno es el elemento atómico más simple y más pequeño. El agua, ácidos, bases, y la inmensa familia de compuestos orgánicos contienen hidrógeno. A pesar de que el hidrógeno no es corrosivo, puede causar problemas para los transmisores de presión a través de su permeabilidad.
La sosa cáustica y ácido clorhídrico, producida en las plantas electrolizadoras, son materiales fundamentales utilizados en varias industrias; químicas, farmacéuticas, petroquímicas, pulpa y papeles, etc. El beneficio es el resultado de la producción efectiva con costos de explotación/mantenimiento mínimos. El control adecuado del proceso genera estabilizado productos de calidad estables con una gran ganancia operativa.
Boosting efficiency in Chlor-Alkali Plants with the ADMAG Magnetic Flowmeter provides accurate, stable flow measurement for Brine and Caustic in Chlor-Alkali electrolyzer cells, improving production efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
Ensure minor issues in Vinyl Chloride Production can be identified before becoming serious problems with Yokogawa’s In-Situ Gas Analyzer TDLS8000 and Probe Type Analyzer TDLS8200.
Yokogawa’s Process Liquid Analyzers series help pigment producers achieve a more reliable and accurate analysis of pH during industrial bioprocesses, improving product quality with less total operation costs.
Electrolysis plants create hydrogen and chlorine from a brine solution. Chlorine gas generated from the anolyte of the electrolysis tank generally contains between 0.5 to 2.0 vol% H2O. The sample is then cooled and filtered to remove brine, subsequently coming out as wet chlorine gas. The wet gas is sent to a drying tower where it is treated with sulfuric acid to get moisture down to the ppm level.
The Yokogawa DTSX1 Fiber Optic Heat Detector protects your equipment against abnormal heat events while being more affordable than other heat detection solutions.
Enhance the efficiency and safety of your vapor recovery systems and flare/vent headers with Yokogawa's cutting-edge Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometers – the TDLS8000 and TDLS8220. Elevate your oxygen measurement capabilities with our interference-free analyzers, providing direct measurements. Experience unparalleled reliability, ensuring minimal upkeep and secure operations without the need for system shutdowns.
NH3 injection lowers NOx in stack flue gas, boosts dust collection efficiency, and prevents erosion. Precise measurement and control of NH3 are crucial to avoid excess use, which increases costs and causes odors. The TDLS8000 solves these issues with direct measurement for effective NH3 management.
Heat exchangers are devices that provide the flow of thermal energy between two or more fluids at different temperatures. Heat exchangers are used in a wide variety of applications. These include power production; process, chemical and food industries; electronics; environmental engineering; waste heat recovery; manufacturing industry; and air-conditioning, refrigeration, and space applications. Yokogawa offers a means to control heat exchanger leakage and prevent costly maintenance, repair and downtime with an easy-to-use, virtually maintenance-free condensate conductivity measurement method.
Download this eBook and learn:
- The top challenges that drive reinstrumentation
- How to plan for and achieve a successful project
- Best practices in identifying your project scope
- 5 ways to improve operator effectiveness
- Different scenarios and best practices for updating, migrating or replacing process controls, safety systems, and instrumentation in plants
In this Yokogawa RAP Best Practices eBook, you’ll discover how our wealth of knowledge about Integrated Safe Systems and Control of Work is available to help you and your teams design and implement a system that best suits your needs.
This paper discusses real industrial examples in which the sitewide utilities system of refinery and petrochemical Sites are optimized with a real time, on line, industrially proven software. Experiences gained during more than 20 years of industrial projects deployed worldwide are commented (Refs. 1 to 10 are related to some recent projects). Main project steps are explained and critical details to be taken into account to assure successful use and proper technology transfer are presented. Specific case studies will be discussed in the paper.
The plant still has legacy OT systems that pose significant challenges in a modern ammonia manufacturing environment due to their limited functionality, which can prevent the adoption of advanced technologies and tools needed to keep up with current production demands. These systems often require costly and hard-to-find maintenance and support as they age, and they lack robust cybersecurity measures, making them vulnerable to cyber threats.
Big and complex industrial facilities like Refineries and Petrochemicals are becoming increasingly aware that power systems need to be optimally managed because any energy reduction that Operations accomplish in the producing Units could eventually be wasted if the overall power system cost is not properly managed. However, process engineers always attempted to develop some kind of tools, many times spreadsheet based, to improve the way utilities systems were operated. The main drawback of the earlier attempts was the lack of data: engineers spent the whole day at phone or visiting the control rooms to gather information from the Distributed Control System (DCS) data historian, process it at the spreadsheet and produce recommendations that, when ready to be applied, were outdated and not any more applicable.
Industrial process automation has evolved significantly over the years, playing a pivotal role in improving operational efficiency, safety, cost reductions, and ensuring product quality. Traditional automation systems, however, often relied on proprietary, closed architectures, leading to vendor lock-in, interoperability challenges, and limited adaptability to changing business needs often required for enterprises to expand or progress. Industrial process automation has evolved significantly over the years, playing a pivotal role in improving operational efficiency, safety, cost reductions, and ensuring product quality.
In this Whitepaper by Mark Hammer you will learn about:
- The movement away from proprietary, closed architectures
- How OPA avoids vendor lock-in and interoperability challenges
- Changing business needs requiring flexible systems to progress
The energy systems, the steps for the implementation of Visual MESA and several features of the model are described in this article, with a focus on the use of the software for the calculation of energy-related KPIs. The EMS implementation project is discussed and the main conclusions relative to the reduction in operating costs are also presented.
Experiences gained during more than 20 years of industrial projects deployed worldwide are commented. Main project steps are explained and critical details to be taken into account to assure successful use and proper technology transfer are presented. Specific case studies will be discussed in the paper. Open loop vs Closed loop implementation is also presented.
Rohm and Haas Company is one of the world's largest manufacturers of specialty materials, including adhesives, sealants, coatings, monomers, electronic materials, inorganic and specialty solutions, and ion exchange resins. Founded in 1909 by two German entrepreneurs, Rohm and Haas has grown to approximately $6 billion in annual revenues.
This paper shows how to improve distillation operations by focusing on procedure automation. It will review the importance of using procedures in distillation operations and highlights the collaboration work underway between Fractionation Research Inc. (FRI) and Yokogawa Corporation to improve procedural operations.
When selecting a Level Measurement device, what to consider in order to be accurate and repeatable?
The worlds of process automation and production management have been converging for some time. What once used to be islands of automation and production management functionality connected through highly proprietary integration schemes that were costly to maintain have developed into integrated platforms that provide seamless data exchange between the world of automation and the plant floor, the functions of production and operations management, and integration with business level systems.
La migración de DCS de una refinería proporcionó una oportunidad para volver a configurar y consolidar las salas de control y sistema de administración operativo.
Blue ammonia represents a significant opportunity for the ammonia industry. Unlike “green” ammonia, which relies on renewable energy and is still in the early stages of development, blue ammonia can be produced using much of the same infrastructure already in place for grey ammonia.
July 2011
Process plants are run according to operational procedures. These procedures consist of a set of tasks that are executed in a consistent manner to achieve a specific objective, such as starting up, shutting down or transitioning a unit as part of making a product.
With work injuries on the increase, migrating to digital platforms to address worker safety has become a priority. Digital transformation simplifies the integration of new digital applications such as alarm lifecycle management, functional safety lifecycle management, shift team effectiveness, and permit-to-work.
September 2008
Yokogawa is helping a large chemicals site in China manage product transfer by road, ship and pipeline.
The Wyoming Trona Ore Mine and Refinery upgrade from Yokogawa Centum CS3000 to CENTUM VP-R5 involved two domains, 21 RIO and FIO field control stations, 17 operator stations, 6 engineering stations and 8 different plant servers
CONTROL, January 2013
Standard Automation Methodology Improves Operations and Prevents Incidents by Enabling the Sharing of Best Practices Among Operators.
ARC believes that by implementing procedural automation, many process plants can minimize variability to help ensure smooth, efficient, and safe state transitions.
Documentos y Descargas
- Chemical Industry Solutions (986 KB)
- Success Story Collection Chemical (Base Chemical, Fertilizer, Petrochemical) (7.6 MB)
- Electrolysis Solutions: Instrumentation Solutions for Electrolysis Plant Applications (841 KB)
- TDLS8220 LOC (Limiting Oxygen Concentration) Infographic
- Solutions for the Chemical Operations Executive (1.2 MB)
- Extractive Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometer TDLS8220 (5.6 MB)
- CENTUM VP DCS Top 10 Features Infographic (231 KB)
- Pre-Engineered Solutions for Moisture in Chlorine (650 KB)
- Soluciones y Productos Yokogawa en Norteamérica (3.6 MB)
- Differential Pressure Level Solutions (23.1 MB)
- Overcome Temperature Effects for DP Level (778 KB)
ROTAMASS is the integral and remote type Coriolis Mass Flow Meter. Both types have highly refined digital signal processing electronics, so that accurate and stable mass flow measurement is achieved.
It is the most technologically advanced mass flow meter yet. By combining the superior design of the application specific flow sensor and transmitters with the Total Insight philosophy and functionality, the flexibility of the ROTAMASS to adapt to changing requirements guarantees performance throughout the lifecycle of the process measurement.
This video introduces Unified Alarms and Conditions Server (UACS) for CENTUM VP. It covers some basic capabilities of UACS. UACS is a centralized alarm management system that helps to drive compliance with ISA 18.2. UACS is responsible for implementing and maintaining the alarms throughout the management life cycle.
UACS alarm shelving allows operators to temporarily suppress or "shelf" certain alarms. This can be useful in situations where an alarm is not critical or requires further investigation before an action is taken. Shelving an alarm typically means that it is acknowledged but not actively alarming, so it can be reviewed for later action.
Watch the film by KBC who are supporting their clients in their efforts to address climate change and sustainability.
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