Transporte, distribución y comercialización de petróleo y gas

La industria de la refinación, comercialización y distribución de petróleo y gas ha estado enfrentando un número cada vez mayor de retos en años recientes. Entre ellos, las características cambiantes de la materia prima a procesar, el envejecimiento de las instalaciones y los equipos de procesos, el creciente costo de la energía, la falta de operadores de planta capacitados que puedan operar una refinería de manera segura y eficiente y los requisitos constantemente cambiantes del mercado y de los clientes.

Con el paso de los años, Yokogawa ha formado alianzas con muchas compañías de refinación, comercialización y distribución para proveer soluciones industriales enfocadas en resolver estos retos y problemas. Las soluciones VigilantPlant de Yokogawa han ayudado a los propietarios de plantas a alcanzar una máxima rentabilidad y seguridad sostenible dentro de sus plantas.

  • Refinación

    En el siempre cambiante mercado, las refinerías no solo son vistas como unidades de procesamiento de crudo, sino también como centros de beneficios. Al mismo tiempo, hay una clara conciencia de la necesidad de la seguridad en este tipo de instalaciones. Una solución de la producción total que abarca la planificación, programación, administración y control es necesaria para lograr los objetivos a largo plazo para la rentabilidad, la eficiencia y la protección del medio ambiente. Con años de experiencia en el campo de la automatización, Yokogawa puede traer soluciones totales accesibles para mejorar la operatividad y un mundo más limpio.

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  • Terminal

    Hoy en día, hay muchos usuarios finales no solo en las industrias de petróleo, gas y petroquímica, sino también en las industrias de gas natural licuado a granel/GLP, los cuales se enfrentan a problemas logísticos comunes. Estos desafíos incluyen reducir el tiempo de entrega del producto, mejorar la eficiencia de carga, adaptarse a los cambios en el proceso de fabricación, mejorar la seguridad, aumentar la eficiencia administrativa, reducir los costos laborales, integrar los sistemas de datos, visualizar las operaciones y administrar el tráfico, entre otros.

    Yokogawa ha estado proporcionando soluciones para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes para la automatización y administración de las terminales durante décadas.

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  • Aceite lubricante

    En la fabricación de lubricantes, siempre hay complejos requisitos cambiantes y exigentes, ya sea que el material se procese en un sistema de mezcla en línea o como un proceso por lotes. En consecuencia, el sistema de control y la información debe proporcionar la flexibilidad necesaria para seguir cambiando las fórmulas y los procedimientos, además de ser altamente confiable y preciso.

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Descripción General:
  • Smooth project execution with no schedule and/minimal safety incidents.
  • Easy to use, easy to reconfigure interface that has resulted in numerous post-installation enhancements.
  • Minimizing day-to-day plant operation problems including reducing the alarming factor.
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Yokogawa provided JCCP with an immersive and practical virtual field training curriculum using VR technology JCCP's training with this solution has received high praise from participants in oil & gas producing countries.

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Life Cycle Agreement ensures a continuous and satisfactory performance of BAPCO's CENTUM DCS and ProSafe-RS system.
Under the agreement, Yokogawa will provide comprehensive services such as system healthiness check, 24/7 emergency support, etc.

Descripción General:
  • Successful migration of in-line blending distributed control and oil movement systems.
  • To minimize operator intervention and to keep the product properties on specification.
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  • This has considerably improved the safety, quality, and efficiency of off-site operations.
  • Yokogawa was the clear choice for installation of the OMS.
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  • El CENTUM CS 3000 juega un papel clave en los aceites de desecho de Malasia del proyecto de diésel.
  • Yokogawa propone suministrar sus sistemas y servicios como el proveedor principal de instrumentos.
Descripción General:
  • Flawless refinery start-up assured by operator training simulator.
  • The virtual test function of the OmegaLand simulator created the same environments as CENTUM CS 3000.
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  • To replace the existing CENTUM XL control station with the latest Yokogawa CS 3000 hardware and upgrade the control network.
  • The plan was to minimize plant downtime by doing a hot cutover from the old to the new control system.
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Universal Terminal (S) Pte Ltd, one of the largest independent petroleum products storage terminals in the Asia Pacific, has been built on Singapore's Jurong Island at a cost of S$750 million.

Descripción General:
  • Smooth and safe switchover to the new system
  • Easy-to-use, easy-to-engineer system, plus various post-installation enhancements
  • Tuned controllers for smooth plant operation and better traceability of process upsets
  • Various other improvements thanks to advanced process control and MVC implementation
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  • Exapilot was introduced to maximize operational efficiency at an experimental refining facility.
  • To prevent operator errors, it was essential to standardize operating procedures.
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  • Computerized Maintenance Management System by PRM and SAP Schedules Field Instrumentation Maintenance.
  • The frame applications and DTMs support the preventive maintenance strategy with self-diagnostic and condition monitoring.
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PetroChina Guangxi Petrochemical Company has completed construction of a combined refinery and petrochemical production complex in Qinzhou, a port city in China's Guangxi Autonomous Region. With a 10 million ton per year capacity, the refinery is one of China's largest, and is truly world class, using a highly advanced hydrogenation process, with the main process technologies coming from the USA and France.

Descripción General:
  • To decrease downtime and maintenance costs, the decision was made to introduce Yokogawa's CENTUM DCS.
  • With well-experienced MAC approach, Yokogawa replaced successfully legacy DCS.
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La refinería Mathura es una instalación de gran importancia estratégica que suministra diésel, gasolina, combustible para turbinas de aviación, queroseno, gas licuado de petróleo, fueloil, y el asfalto de petróleo a clientes de todo el noroeste de la India.

Descripción General:
  • HMEL seleccionó una solución integrada de Yokogawa
  • Yokogawa India supervisó e implementó la ingeniería, instalación y puesta en marcha de la refinería.
Descripción General:
  • La refinería AR1 recientemente reemplazó su DCS Legacy con el CENTUM CS 3000 de Yokogawa.
  • Completar con Éxito un Sistema de Movimiento Inteligente del Petróleo. 
Descripción General:
  • Stable regeneration of butane driers and effective start-up of sulfur recovery plant.
  • Exapilot contributes to operational consistency and procedure management in large refinery plant.
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  • Using the CENTUM CS 3000 system, many kinds of plant key performance indexes are calculated and analyzed to produce further improvements.
  • During plant start-up, PRM helps the customer's engineers perform all the loop checks.
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  • Exapilot contributes to safety, reduces cost, and retains operational know-how.
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  • Integrando los sistemas CENTUM VP y ProSafe-RS garantizan una Operación Ininterrumpida de los procesos ADU/DKU.
  • "¡Este es un verdadero VigilantPlant! Vamos a seguir mejorando nuestra eficiencia de producción."
Descripción General:
  • Exapilot smoothly starts up and shuts down the world's biggest experimental distillation unit.
  • Data visualization is the key, giving operators a complete understanding of what is is going on in the process, in real time.
Descripción General:
  • The project goals emphasized schedule, quality, cost and safety.
  • More than 40 sub-system interface cards are utilized for b14 partners company7s system integrated with CENTUM CS 3000.
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  • Yokogawa's FA-M3 PLC improves efficiency and accuracy at the lubricant blending processes in Thailand.
  • FA-M3 is integrated with SFC Excellence's enterprise resource planning and recipe management system.
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Hot Spot Monitoring for Safety with a Fiber Optical Temperature Sensor

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La configuración del transmisor de nivel puede tomar mucho tiempo. Los transmisores DPharp tiene la función de un software avanzado eliminando esta tarea que toma tiempo. Con talleres de mantenimiento cada vez más pequeños, la búsqueda de equipos que nos permiten hacer más con menos se convierte en una prioridad.

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One of the most common applications for differential pressure transmitters is flow measurement. DPharp differential pressure transmitters have some unique signal conditioning features to eliminate instability at low flow rates.

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Recientemente, las legislaciones de contaminación del aire, como la Ley de Aire Limpio para reducir la cantidad de contaminación del aire están aumentando en todo el mundo. La Ley de Aire Limpio aborda numerosos problemas de la calidad del aire. Uno de estos problemas es la lluvia ácida causada por las emisiones de dióxido de azufre y las emisiones de óxidos de nitrógeno de las centrales eléctricas alimentadas con combustibles fósiles y otras fuentes industriales y de transportación.

Descripción General:

La industria de la refinación del petróleo hoy en día se enfrenta a las regulaciones cada vez más estrictas que dictan tanto la calidad de sus productos como la actividad de sus procesos de producción. Como pionero de la tecnología de medidores de flujo Vortex, el desafío de Yokogawa es traer soluciones innovadoras de medición de flujo para los usuarios en varias industrias de proceso continúa hasta el día de hoy.

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The top gas generated at the top of a distillation column in a petroleum refinery's fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) is used to produce gasoline and LPG. The GD402 Gas Density Meter features an intrinsically safe and explosion-proof design, fast response, and a dust-proof, anti-corrosive, and flame-proof construction.

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With industrial and economic development comes increasingly large and advanced power plants and factories. Nevertheless, we find many cases where the original cables, cable tunnels, and other components of the power infrastructure have languished under continuous operation.

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Risk management is crucial when expanding your business.

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In limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization systems, the consumption of a desulfurization agent (lime) is controlled using online pH analyzers.

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Fired heaters are used for various processes in oil refining and petrochemical plants.

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Wireless temperature measurement solution makes modernizing operations and maintenance of delayed coker unit affordable.

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  • The distance is not so long, but there are many pipes and tanks ("Pipe Jungle") in the field.
  • Had to avoid the obstacles and take care multi path condition.  


Repeater is installed on high place between control room and monitor position. The extend cable is used for antenna of Gateway.

  • Temperature Transmitter (YTA) x1, Pressure Transmitter (EJX) x2
Descripción General:

To defray energy costs, many industrial plants have their own boilers to generate steam to produce a portion of their energy needs. In addition to generating power, the steam may also be used directly in plant processes or indirectly via heat exchangers or steam jacketed vessels. 

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Download this eBook and learn:

  • The top challenges that drive reinstrumentation
  • How to plan for and achieve a successful project
  • Best practices in identifying your project scope
  • 5 ways to improve operator effectiveness
  • Different scenarios and best practices for updating, migrating or replacing process controls, safety systems, and instrumentation in plants
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A multivariable model based predictive control (MPC) was implemented at the FCCU "A" in YPF S.A. Refinería La Plata.

There are three MPC controllers installed: one covering the reactor-regenerator-main fractionator, other controlling the gas con- centration plant ant the third controlling an isolated depropanizer column. The paper describes the implementation of the project, the controller structure and the main results obtained from the MPC. 

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Visual MESA© is a steam system optimization and management computer program that was originally developed at Chevron and now marketed by Nelson & Roseme, Inc. Visual MESA is currently used at refinery and chemical manufacturing sites to optimize the overall site steam system and the parts of the electrical system that economically trade off with the steam system.

This paper will explore significant optimization variables and constraints commonly encountered in refinery steam system optimization, the strategies Visual MESA uses to deal with them.

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Hydrogen management can have a significant effect on refinery utility supply through the integration with the rest of the utilities. Real-time optimization of hydrogen production in conjunction with steam, power and fuels can yield significant savings opportunities for the refinery. 

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This paper describes the tasks performed to develop and implement real time, online models, to help with the three KNPC refineries energy cost minimization and energy management, which are scheduled to perform it automatically. They allow to clearly identify the different economic trade-offs that challenges the operation of the site wide energy systems at minimum cost while reducing the energy waste and, therefore, CO2 footprint. Recommendations given by the optimizers are taken into account by operations on a daily basis 

Descripción General:

In general, refineries exhibit a very good potential for real time monitoring and optimization using Visual MESA Energy Management System.

Based on our extensive experience, overall benefit in the range of 2% to 5% of the total energy cost can be achieved. Expected project payback is always less than one year.

Descripción General:

This article describes the tasks performed to develop and implement a real time, online model for energy cost minimisation and energy management at KNPC's MAA refinery.

After a description of the main project implementation tasks, the Real Time Energy Management System's (RTEMS) functionalities are described and the optimisation implementation procedures are commented on. Finally, several obtained results are presented.

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Utilities and energy systems are often the major source of SOx, NOx and CO2 emissions, therefore, emissions control and the management of credits and quotas are tightly interrelated with energy management.

In the case of refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, energy represents the main cost (second to feedstock) and therefore its reduction has become a bottom line business decision. The energy systems at these sites are inherently complex, with the emissions cost analysis and limits compliance introducing an additional factor to the complexity of the energy costs reduction challenge.

Process plants use different type of fuels, they often operate cogeneration units, their steam networks consist of several pressure levels, there are different types of energy consumers and there are emission limits to be observed. Import or export of electricity in deregulated markets, which could also be traded off with more or less CO2 and other contaminant gaseous emissions, increase the optimization problem complexity.

Descripción General:

The Repsol YPF Tarragona Refinery operates a large, complex steam system. Utilities Optimization has been performed with an on-line computer based steam management program (VISUAL MESA) in order to make the Refinery more energy efficient and reduce steam system operating costs.

VISUAL MESA allows operators and engineers to:

  1. Monitor steam production and use;
  2. Optimize the production and use of steam, fuel and power in order to reduce 
  3. Perform "what-if" studies, and
  4. Audit the system with continually validated data. 
Nelson & Roseme, Inc. and Soteica Europe S.L. have worked with Repsol YPF Tarragona
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Petronor is Spain's largest refinery, with a processing capacity of eleven million tons a year. Its energy system is large and complex, therefore the auditing and control of energy costs are a real challenge.
This paper describes the tasks performed together with Soteica, using a modern on line information and optimization system tools, to reduce energy costs.

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This paper will not describe just all the features of the software or fully explain on-line optimization technology. The objective of this work is to present some interesting facts and lessons from the experience of implementing a cost based optimization program at thirty oil refineries and petrochemical complexes, around the world, since 1997. This paper will focus on the key optimization variables and constraints in steam system optimization, how they should be handled and how the human and organizational aspects can be addressed. 

Descripción General:

A detailed model of the steam, fuels, electricity, boiler feed water and condensates systems has been built, including all the interactions between these systems, real plant constraints and degrees of freedom of their operation. Such a model is scheduled to perform automatic executions of the optimization of the entire system and is continually populated with validated live data from the process. A calculation of equipment efficiencies is done as part of the performance monitoring activity of the model. Other monitoring aspects include the continuous auditing of the energy system so the data can be relied on for evaluating the value of energy production and usage, and waste can be reduced or eliminated.

Descripción General:

Industrial facilities where power and steam is produced (i.e., Cogeneration) exhibit a very good potential for real time monitoring and optimization using Visual MESA Energy Management System.

Based on our extensive experience, overall benefit in the range of 2% to 5% of the total energy cost can be achieved. Expected project payback is always less than one year.

Visual MESA was successfully applied to many industrial facilities worldwide, several of them operating steam and power generation networks of different complexity and capacity but all with energy cost savings. 

Descripción General:

This paper discusses real industrial examples in which the sitewide utilities system of refinery and petrochemical Sites are optimized with a real time, on line, industrially proven software. Experiences gained during more than 20 years of industrial projects deployed worldwide are commented (Refs. 1 to 10 are related to some recent projects). Main project steps are explained and critical details to be taken into account to assure successful use and proper technology transfer are presented. Specific case studies will be discussed in the paper. 

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This paper describes the tasks performed, together with Soteica, using modern on line information system tools to assist with the energy system management.

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After a feasibility study, TOTAL decided to test an on-line model for site wide energy system management. TOTAL operates a large and complex energy system at Feyzin refinery. A detailed model of the energy system has been built and it is continuously fed with validated (not reconciliated), real-time data. It includes all the actual constraints of the site and decision variables for their operation. Continuous performance monitoring is also done, since the model writes back its results to the Real Time Data Base (Plant Information system). It also provides reliable data that helps to audit the energy productions and usages within the site energy system, and in that way wastes can be detected and eliminated.

Documentación Técnica
Descripción General:

An online steam management program can help refineries manage their steam and utility systems more energy efficiently and reduce their operating costs through optimisation and monitoring

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Big and complex industrial facilities like Refineries and Petrochemicals are becoming increasingly aware that power systems need to be optimally managed because any energy reduction that Operations accomplish in the producing Units could eventually be wasted if the overall power system cost is not properly managed. However, process engineers always attempted to develop some kind of tools, many times spreadsheet based, to improve the way utilities systems were operated. The main drawback of the earlier attempts was the lack of data: engineers spent the whole day at phone or visiting the control rooms to gather information from the Distributed Control System (DCS) data historian, process it at the spreadsheet and produce recommendations that, when ready to be applied, were outdated and not any more applicable. 

Descripción General:

Utilities and energy systems are often the major source of SOx, NOx and CO2 emissions, therefore, emissions control and the management of credits and quotas are tightly interrelated with energy management.
In the case of refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, energy represents the main cost (second to feedstock) and therefore its reduction has become a bottom line business decision. The energy systems at these sites are inherently complex, with the emissions cost analysis and limits compliance introducing an additional factor to the complexity of the energy costs reduction challenge.

Documentación Técnica
Descripción General:

Repsol Cartagena was the first oil refinery to be built on the Iberian Peninsula. It has an annual crude distillation capacity of 5.5 million tonnes, with two main areas of production: fuels; and lube oils, asphalts and paraffinic and aromatic oils. Repsol Cartagena is currently involved in an ambitious expansion project, whereby 22 new units will be built, increasing its refining capacity to an annual 11 million tonnes.

Descripción General:

The energy systems, the steps for the implementation of Visual MESA and several features of the model are described in this article, with a focus on the use of the software for the calculation of energy-related KPIs. The EMS implementation project is discussed and the main conclusions relative to the reduction in operating costs are also presented.

Descripción General:

This paper shows real industrial examples in which, with the existing equipment, continuous CO2 emissions reductions were achieved while optimizing the energy systems by using an on line model.
The importance of including the cost of CO2 emissions and how it should be taken into account when managing energy systems is explained. Furthermore, the optimization model is useful to perform case studies to evaluate energy system modifications taking into account this aspect.

Documentación Técnica
Descripción General:

A refinery energy system is modelled, including all the constraints, with continuous model validation using live data. Performance monitoring includes the tracking of equipment efficiencies by utilising validated data for its continuous calculation,

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Experiences gained during more than 20 years of industrial projects deployed worldwide are commented. Main project steps are explained and critical details to be taken into account to assure successful use and proper technology transfer are presented. Specific case studies will be discussed in the paper. Open loop vs Closed loop implementation is also presented. 

Descripción General:

Rohm and Haas Company is one of the world's largest manufacturers of specialty materials, including adhesives, sealants, coatings, monomers, electronic materials, inorganic and specialty solutions, and ion exchange resins. Founded in 1909 by two German entrepreneurs, Rohm and Haas has grown to approximately $6 billion in annual revenues.

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Alarm management is not just a project that has a start and end date; it's a continuous cycle. Once the alarm system has been reviewed and improvements have been identified, we must check that controls are in place to ensure the alarm system remains functional. The key is to ensure that the system is continuously monitored and any changes are fully documented. There are seven key steps for alarm management. Rationalization is one of those critical steps.

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This paper shows how to improve distillation operations by focusing on procedure automation. It will review the importance of using procedures in distillation operations and highlights the collaboration work underway between Fractionation Research Inc. (FRI) and Yokogawa Corporation to improve procedural operations.

Descripción General:

The worlds of process automation and production management have been converging for some time. What once used to be islands of automation and production management functionality connected through highly proprietary integration schemes that were costly to maintain have developed into integrated platforms that provide seamless data exchange between the world of automation and the plant floor, the functions of production and operations management, and integration with business level systems.

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The world of process automation is governed by procedures. While we like to refer to the process industries as being largely "continuous", this could not be further from the truth. Process manufacturing is constantly in flux.

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From engineering to installation, commissioning, operations, and maintenance, FOUNDATION fieldbus offer significant cost reductions of 30 percent or more versus conventional analog systems. Many of these cost reductions come from the advanced functions that fieldbus offers versus analog technology.

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The automation suppliers that will be successful in the long term will be those that effectively address application or industry specific problems for end users with a value proposition that cannot be ignored. These problems exist throughout the process industries today, and they won't be solved by simply offering a product, but through a combination of hardware, software, services, application expertise, and knowledge.

Descripción General:

In ARC's view, customers need a compelling business value proposition to justify investment in any kind of automation. Vigilance and VigilantPlant were created with this in mind. Yokogawa's vision with VigilantPlant is to create an environment where plant personnel and operators are well informed, alert, and ready to take action. 

Documentación Técnica
Descripción General:

Yokogawa ha recorrido un largo camino en hacer que su mensaje sea claro en el mundo de la automatización de procesos. El año pasado, la compañía se embarcó en una campaña global de marketing a gran escala para que los clientes conocieran el enfoque de la compañía en la confiabilidad del sistema, su seguridad, constancia y durabilidad. Denominado "Vigilancia", la campaña creó un mensaje unificado para la empresa y en gran medida ayudó a aumentar la difusión de la marca Yokogawa y la filosofía de la empresa.

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In today's dynamic industrial marketplace, the only constant is change. Raw material costs, energy costs, market demands, environmental and safety regulations, technology, and even the nature of the labor force itself are constantly changing, and not always in predictable directions.

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Los usuarios finales de procesos automatización están bajo más presión para hacer más con menos. La situación económica actual hace que muchos proyectos de capital de automatización estén en espera. Con los presupuestos de capital más limitados que nunca, los usuarios en lugar de enfocarse en los presupuestos de operaciones (en donde también la reducción de costos es una preocupación clave), o en las inversiones de automatización con un rápido retorno de inversión.

Descripción General:

This paper describes the tasks performed together with Soteica, by using an on-line model, to help achieve site wide energy costs minimization.
A detailed model of steam, fuels, electric, boiler feed water and condensates system has been built, contemplating all the real constraints and degrees of freedom for their operation. The electric power system is also modelled as it interacts with the steam production and usage. Such a model is continually validated with live data. A continuous calculation of equipment efficiencies is done as part of the performance monitoring activity of the model that is running as a service.

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Environmental pollution caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has become a global environment issue, including issues on effects upon health. This paper introduces a system based on detection and sampling technologies and developed for measuring goes in the global environment. Small amounts of VOCs are measured with a gas chromatograph or photoionization detector (PID). VOCs in water are sampled using a sparging method. A small quantity of VOC constituents of more than 20 different types can be measured with a gas chromatograph using a programmed temperature oven. The PID can detect a ppb level of VOCs that are ionized using a vacuum ultraviolet radiation lamp. We expect these devices will be useful for improving the global Environment.

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La migración de DCS de una refinería proporcionó una oportunidad para volver a configurar y consolidar las salas de control y sistema de administración operativo.

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July 2011

Process plants are run according to operational procedures. These procedures consist of a set of tasks that are executed in a consistent manner to achieve a specific objective, such as starting up, shutting down or transitioning a unit as part of making a product. 

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Abril/Mayo 2007

El sistema instrumentado de seguridad ProSafe-RS de Yokogawa (SIS) será el núcleo de un nuevo sistema de seguridad contra incendios y gas en la refinería de Shell Clyde (NSW). El contrato incluye el sistema de control, ingeniería de sistemas y la instalación y supervisión.

Medios de Comunicación
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In times of abnormal operations, systems are configured to produce lots of data – humans are not configured to handle or interpret them. However, when presented with the right information, in the right context, during an abnormal condition, humans are able to do things machines cannot.

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Process automation in oil refineries is undergoing major changes, driven by customers frustrated by what they consider to be slow and incremental advances from the main automation original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the industry. ExxonMobil has become a de facto industry representative and is driving vendors like Yokogawa and others to reevaluate how large-scale automation projects are implemented.

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Using wireless technology for monitoring a variety of measuring points in Industrial Plants has becoming a very attractive choice for plant managers. Today, the plant manager is able to build a quick and cost effective network solution to enable flexible information acquisition and to improve maintenance efficiency and safety.

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Visual MESA Systems empower improved operational efficiencies in real time

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Machines don't panic and they always do what they're told. But they can't think on their feet and can't react to situations for which they have not been programmed. Which do you want to depend on when your life depends on it?

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CONTROL, January 2013

Standard Automation Methodology Improves Operations and Prevents Incidents by Enabling the Sharing of Best Practices Among Operators.

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ARC believes that by implementing procedural automation, many process plants can minimize variability to help ensure smooth, efficient, and safe state transitions.

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Machines can support humans when facing a stressful situation. Using a standards-based approach can reduce the likelihood of a problem escalating.

Documentos y Descargas


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Chet Mroz, President & CEO Yokogawa North America, discusses the benefits of IoT at the 2015 ARC Industry Forum in Orlando.

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As a gateway to further expand Yokogawa's messaging as a One-stop Solution Business, Yokogawa has partnered up with INCIT, to introduce the S.I.R.I. framework. 

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Discover how to achieve industrial autonomy step by step through one of the 75+ inspiring presentations.


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