Main Automation Contractor (MAC)

The ability to deliver the full scope of project execution in industrial automation projects is more important than ever. As global energy demands increase, plants have a mission to achieve high quality project execution, plant operations, and maintenance.

However, companies are increasingly constrained by personnel issues, budgets, and shrinking timetables. Aside from grassroots construction activity in emerging markets, companies are also faced with the task of executing multiple projects simultaneously in disparate geographic regions.

Increasingly, companies depend on Yokogawa to take on the role of main automation contractor, owning responsibility over the entire automation related aspects of the project.

Yokogawa provides highly qualified and well resourced control systems specialists to engineer, supply/procure and manage instrumentation, control systems, safety instrumented systems, and associated interfaces for all project components and facilities.

Yokogawa's main automation contractor (MAC) service delivers the full scope of project execution capabilities. Yokogawa assumes responsibility over the entire automation related aspects of the project, helping you meet budget, time, manpower, delivery, and risk management needs.

Project execution requirements are more important than ever—not only for automation end users, but also for engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractors. Although projects need to be finished as quickly as possible, many EPC's are paring down their automation departments, and no longer have the time or resources to deal with multiple automation suppliers on a project. Therefore, an automation supplier with the right capabilities and experience can provide a single point of responsibility for project management, coordinating the work among multiple suppliers and subcontractors.

MAC AutomationYokogawa as a MAC assumes responsibility over entire automation related phases of the project. The Yokogawa MAC team constructs the most suitable project organization, works with directly with end users, EPC, and 3rd parties. With the MAC approach of dealing with Yokogawa directly, it isn't necessary for customers to make an effort to manage various automation suppliers.

Instead, customers can derive cost savings, risk mitigation, and shorten delivery times, etc. With our global engineering network and resources, Yokogawa can execute projects safely, efficienctly, and then provide optimal operations support over the entire plant lifecycle.

Compared to a traditional approach, Yokogawa MAC enables drastic costs saving to the overall project. Many of the world's leading end users, particularly in the process industries, are applying the MAC approach to their entire capital project. The MAC approach can result in project cost saving up to thirty percent against a traditional approach. Costs are reduced in nearly all phases of the project, since automation suppliers are encouraged to consolidate industry and application expertise to execute projects in a consistent manner. This means developing practices and procedures that are standard and can be applied across multiple projects to reduce costs.


MAC AutomationCompanies can recognize significant benefits by partnering with Yokogawa as their main automation contractor:

  • Total project management
  • Single point of responsibility and single window
  • Commitment to the customer on corporate level
  • Entire automation design and engineering
  • Automation standardization for multi-projects
  • Design of automation standards
  • Shortened delivery times
  • Minimized unexpected changes due to early MAC involvement
  • Minimum customer involvement during project execution
  • Global engineering locations and resources
  • Global procurement network
  • Cost savings and risk mitigation by dealing with Yokogawa directly


Main Automation Contractor Scope: Services and Deliverables

  • Project Management
  • Cost & Schedule Control
  • FEED & Detail Engineering
  • Procurement Support
  • Vendor Package Interfaces
  • System Integration & Programming
  • Construction Support
  • Commissioning Support
  • Training
  • Operations Support


  • Process Control & SCADA Systems
  • Process & Emergency Shutdown Systems
  • Fire & Gas Detection
  • Information Systems
  • Communication Systems
  • Selected Instrumentation
  • Transmitters
  • Control Valves
  • Level Instruments
  • Selected Packages
  • Metering Skids
  • Instrument Buildings
  • Training Simulator
  • Historian/MES
  • Capital Spare Parts 

Yokogawa Main Automation Contractor Scope

MAC Automation


Descripción General:
  • 16,000 FOUNDATION Fieldbus devices
  • Main Automation Contractor (MAC)
  • DCS anywhere concept integration with site SAP system
  • Long term maintenance contract
  • Sustainable development
Descripción General:

In 2011, Pandora Methanol acquired petrochemical production facilities in Beaumont, Texas that had been mothballed since 2004. These two plants, a 13-year old ammonia plant and a 50-year old methanol plant, had received only marginal maintenance during this extended shutdown and had suffered direct hits from two major hurricanes.

Descripción General:
  • Como el contratista de automatización principal (MAC) para este proyecto de construcción de planta, Yokogawa Brasil diseñó, instaló, y puso en marcha una solución de control e instrumentación integrada.
  • Yokogawa Brasil completó la puesta en marcha de estos sistemas antes de lo previsto y la producción de polímeros verdes se inició tan sólo una semana más tarde.
Descripción General:

El Proyecto Mars B agregó la siguiente infraestructura totalmente nueva para aumentar la producción en el Mars Field y descubrimientos exploratorios cercanos: la plataforma Olympus  Leg Tension (TLP), que tiene 24 ranuras y así una plataforma de perforación autónoma; el sistema submarino West Boreas / South Deimos; y un sistema de exportación de petróleo y gas, que incluye la plataforma en aguas poco profundas WD- 143C. La plataforma de tipo TLP de Olympus (TLP) comenzó a producir el 4 de febrero de 2014. El TLP es el segundo en el Mars Field y el sexto de su tipo para Shell en el Golfo de México.

Descripción General:
  • Yokogawa recibe la concesión para la transición urgente de la planta DCS de BP Sharjah.
  • Yokogawa fue seleccionada por BP como el principal contratista de automatización (MAC) para un proyecto para reemplazar el DCS existente de la planta de Sharjah con el CENTUM VP de Yokogawa.
Descripción General:

Continuous Control Solutions ("CCS") has been providing advanced turbo machinery solutions to global markets since 2000 with a steadfast focus on developing advanced control algorithms implemented in the customer's choice of PLC or DCS hardware platform. CCS Turbo Machinery Control Solutions have been implemented on a variety of hardware platforms including Allen Bradley ControlLogix, Honeywell C300, Siemens S7, ABB AC800M and Emerson DeltaV.

Descripción General:

Las Soluciones de Control Continuo ("CCS") se especializan en desafíos de control de turbo-maquinaria industrial para diversos tipos de industrias. La tecnología de turbo-máquinas de CCS y los algoritmos de control patentados son independientes de la plataforma del hardware y se han implementado con éxito en diferentes plataformas de hardware desde el 2004.

Descripción General:

Agile Project Execution is YOKOGAWA's methodology to execute all projects in a cost efficient way by removing waste.

With the release of the new CENTUM VP R6, a solution platform that exceeds the capabilities of conventional production control systems, customers can take full advantage of the new features like Network-IO providing decoupling of hardware and software and the new Automation Design Suite.

Documentación Técnica
Descripción General:

Over the past decade, companies have been using unconventional drilling technology to extract gas and liquid from the readily available shale formations in North America. As the industry gains experience, the production rates continue to rise based on better use of technology to locate resources and to decrease the time from exploration to production.

Descripción General:

yi-MAC stands for YOKOGAWA Innovative Main Automation Contractor:

  • Full control of scope and schedule across packages
  • Realization of customer expectation
  • Single point of responsibility
  • Providing fully integrated solutions
Descripción General:

Network-IO can help reduce projects by decreasing the amount of time needed to implement the physical part of the process control system. A system with configurable I/O allows flexible "binding," in which the soft- ware configuration of the system can be loaded into the physical system at a late stage in the project.

Descripción General:

The ability to deliver a full scope of project execution capabilities is becoming more important than ever for automation suppliers that wish to compete on a global scale. Process automation suppliers have always had some degree of project execution capabilities, but only recently have suppliers and end users begun to realize the true economic impact that precise and comprehensive execution capabilities can have on the success of an automation project and on plant lifecycle costs.

Descripción General:

When a project is executed following the main automation contractor (MAC) method, front-end engineering and design (FEED) is conducted before actual delivery phases such as design, implementation, inspection, and shipment, to identify risks in advance and mitigate risks in delivery phases through the standardization of the basic functions and components.

Descripción General:

Instrumentation devices and equipment serve for plants as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin, which are responsible for the five senses, and act as the central nervous system and brain do for human beings. The reliability and availability of such devices and equipment are the most important requirements of customers.


Información del Producto
Descripción General:

"Shaping the Future with Automation" is to address the European Chemical brownfield market.

Descripción General:

Chet Mroz of Yokogawa Discusses Critical Automation in the Energy Market @ the 2014 ARC Industry Forum in Orlando, FL. Interview conducted by Mark Sen Gupta of ARC Advisory Group.

Descripción General:

0:00 "La estrategia de Yokogawa Corporation of America en EU, Canadá y México" por Chet Mroz, Presidente y CEO, de Yokogawa Corporation of America

4:13 "Creando Valor e Innovación en la Automatización Industrial (IA) a través de alianzas estratégicas" por Chiaki Itoh, vicepresidente de marketing HQ IA, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

8:47 "La Alianza Estratégica Global con Dell" por Nobuaki Konishi, VP, Div. de Sistemas de Negocios, HQ Plataforma de Negocios IA, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

20:24 "La Ventaja OEM de Dell" por Joyce Mullen, VP y Gerente General, Soluciones OEM, Dell Inc.

Descripción General:

Descubiertos hace más de una década, se espera que los campos Jack y St. Malo entregarán más de 500 millones de barriles de petróleo. La unidad flotante de producción Jack St. Malo es la cuarta instalación en aguas profundas que Chevron opera y es la más grande que tiene en el Golfo de México. Escuche lo que se necesita para implementar la tecnología y entregar el petróleo de este desafiante megaproyecto. 


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