Process liquid analyzers such as pH meters, conductivity meters, ORP meters, and density meters play an important role at electrolysis plants in the control of concentrations of various process solutions. This requires both precision and stability under harsh conditions that include highly corrosive substances, high temperatures, and many impurities.
Expected Benefits
- Ensures stable, continuous measurement in heavily contaminated liquids
- Reduces operating costs
- Eliminates the need for manual cleaning
List of Analyzers
Type | Measurement point | Objective |
pH meter | 1) Supersaturated brine at raw salt dissolver outlet *1 | pH control for impurity removal in brine Control value: 10.8 to 11.0 pH |
2) Refined brine *2 | Control of precipitation of impurities Acid range | |
3) Brine at electrolysis tank inlet *3 | pH control of electrolysis tank brine inflow: 3 to 6 pH | |
4) Return brine at electrolysis tank outlet *4 | Efficiency control in dechlorination tank Acid range | |
5) Desalinated water at dechlorination tank outlet *5 | Desalinated water control | |
6) Hydrochloric acid plant drainage *6 | Drainage control | |
Conductivity meter | 1) Supersaturated brine at electrolysis tank outlet *7 | Brine concentration control: concentration: 300 to 320 g/l |
2) Refined brine *8 | Refined brine concentration control | |
3) Sulfuric acid concentration used for drying in chlorine gas drying line *9 | Concentration control of recovered sulfuric acid: approximately 74 % | |
4) Hydrochloric acid concentration in hydrochloric acid plant *10 | Hydrochloric acid concentration control: approximately 35 wt% | |
5) Sodium hypochlorite concentration in a soda hypochlorite plant *11 | Sodium hypochlorite concentration control: Available chlorine: 10 to 15 % Residual caustic soda: 0.1 to 1% (approximately 10 g/l) |
Oxidation reduction Potential (ORP) meter | 1) Desalinated water at dechlorination tank outlet *12 | Confirmation of dechlorination reaction |
2) Soda hypochlorite plant adsorption tank outlet *13 | End control of caustic soda chlorination reaction | |
Vibration type liquid density meter | 1) Anode solution at electrolysis tank outlet *14 | Anode solution caustic soda concentration control |
2) Caustic soda concentration at concentrate drum outlet *15 | Product caustic soda concentration control |
Solution Details
Yokogawa process solution analyzers deliver stable, long-term measurements under the harsh conditions present in electrolysis plants. The FLXA202/FLXA21 Inductive Conductivity Meter is specially designed to detect the concentrations of hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and caustic soda. The PH4C pH Sensor for Chemical Processes can measure pH in a wide variety of processes.
Field Data
Each graph shows a correlation between concentration and conductivity at measurement points, the numbers of which correspond to the ones in the previous page. The ISC inductive conductivity meter's range can be specified, thereby allowing high-resolution measurements in the target concentration range.
The correlation between concentration and conductivity is largely affected by solution temperature. The ISC inductive conductivity meter provides automatic temperature compensation using the build-in temperature sensor.
특수화학 및 정밀화학
Yokogawa는 오랫동안 특수 및 정밀 화학 시장에서 고객을 지원해왔습니다. Batch 솔루션 설계의 복잡한 요구 사항을 이해하는 업계 전문가는 물론 업계 최고 수준의 안정성과 유연성을 제공하는 시장 선도 일괄 처리 솔루션을 사용하면 Yokogawa와의 파트너십에서 안전 및 규정 준수를 유지하면서 고객의 요구 사항을 충족시키는 제품을 생산할 수 있습니다.
화학 플랜트는 연속 및 Batch 생산 공정에 의존하며, 각각은 제어 시스템에 대한 다양한 요구 사항을 제시합니다. 연속 공정은 실패하지 않고 생산 라인을 중단시키는 견고하고 안정적인 제어 시스템을 필요로하는 반면, Batch 공정의 중요성은 수식, 절차 및 공정을 조정하는 데 있어 큰 유연성을 허용하는 제어 시스템을 갖추는 데 있습니다. 두 종류의 시스템 모두 제품의 사용 가능한 품질 내역에서 관리되어야 하며 비일상적인 작업을 수행할 수 있어야 합니다. Yokogawa는 광범위한 제품 포트폴리오, 숙련된 시스템 엔지니어 및 글로벌 영업 및 서비스 네트워크를 통해 모든 공장 공정에 대한 솔루션을 제공합니다.
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Hot-Tap Holder PR10
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Inductive (Torodial, Electrodeless) Conductivity Analyzer
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Industrial pH/ORP Electrodes
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InfraSpec NR800
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pH and ORP Sensors
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적절한 pH 전극 / 센서 선택은 최적의 측정 결과를 위해 중요합니다.