F-value Computation for the Sterilization Process for Pharmaceutical and Chemical Products


When sterilizing preserved foods by heating, bacteria must be completely annihilated without changing the heat of the product (a degradation of the taste) and the integrated fatality (F value) must be recorded and monitored. By using the computation function of the SMARTDAC+ series Paperless recorder GX/GP (relational computation, four arithmetical operations, and exponential computation), the F value can be calculated and recorded.

Setting example


  • The F value at a specified sterilization temperature is automatically computed and recorded as production data.
  • Using external input contact, recording can be started or stopped automatically.
  • Automatic data file transfer and WEB monitoring are available.

F value

“F value” is The integrated fatality of the bacteria obtained by heat sterilization.  It is the integrated value of the fatality rate (Li) of the bacteria per unit amount of time (Δt),  and Li is a function of the sterilization temperature.

F value computation


Configuration Example on the SMARTDAC+

Ex. Sterilization temp. Tr=121.1degC, Z value Z=10degC,
      Measurement interval Δt=0.0167min(=1sec)

  • Constant
    K1=10, K02=10.0degC(Z value), K03=121.1degC(Sterilization temp.), K04=0.0167min(measurement Interval), K05=100degC(measurement interval)
  • Constant K2 to K5 may vary depending on the conditions.
  • Equations
    Measurement channel 0001
    MATH channel A001: K01**((0001-K03)/K02) ←Li value
    MATH channel A002:(A002+A001*K04)*(0001.GT.K05) ←F value

*When the temperature falls to 100℃, the value of A002 is reset to 0.

Temperature monitoring for HACCP

In HACCP, the temp. management is required for the whole food supply chain (ex. Food manufacturing, processing, cooking, and sales). SMARTDAC+ series can record multiple points of temp. in production lines, facilities or environment of storage …etc.
It provides strong supports for your temp. management.

Temperature monitoring for HACCP


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    Yokogawa는 오늘날의 식음료 기업들이 기후 변화, 소비자 수요 및 글로벌 경쟁력 향상이라는 전례 없는 도전에 직면해 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 이러한 도전을 극복하기 위해서는 생산, 자산 관리, 식품 안전 및 품질이라는 핵심 분야에 초점을 맞춘 혁신적인 솔루션이 필요합니다.

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  • 의약품

    제약 산업은 현재 대형 신흥 시장에서 발생되는 기회를 최대한 활용하는 것이 중요한 과제에 직면해 있습니다. 이에 그 어느 때보다 제약 회사들은 수익성을 향상시킬 린 제조 기술을 도입해야 합니다. 세계 최고의 산업 자동화 공급업체 중 하나인 Yokogawa는 귀사의 모범 제조 수행에 맞는 최고의 솔루션을 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

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