Wireless Adapter
  • FN110-R1 Field Wireless Gateway

    FN110 supports 2 device role; a field wireless device and a field wireless gateway. When utilizing with “Field Wireless Multi-Protocol Module FN310” or “Field Wireless Multi-Function Module FN510”, this product is connectable with a field wireless network as a field wireless device. When utilzing with “Interface Adapter LN90”, this product acts as a field wireless gateway.

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  • FN310 Field Wireless Multi-Protocol Module

    Field Wireless Multi-Protocol Module FN310 with "Field Wireless Communication Module FN120" is connectable with a field wireless network as a field wireless device. This product acquires sensor data from a connected sensor and transmits it to a field wireless network through FN120.

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  • FN510 Field Wireless Multi-Function Module

    Field Wireless Multi-Function Module FN510 with “Field Wireless Communication Module FN120” is connectable with a field wireless network as a field wireless device. This product acquires sensor data from a connected sensor and transmits it to a field wireless network through FN120.

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